View each server's port number for the optimized servers and server mapper that use sockets over TCP communication support and those that use Secure Sockets Layer (SSL).
The following table shows the initial service table entries provided for the optimized servers and server mapper that use sockets over TCP communication support. Port numbers for host servers and server mapper:
Service name | Description | Port number |
as-central | Central server | 8470 |
as-database | Database server | 8471 |
as-dtaq | Data queue server | 8472 |
as-file | File server | 8473 |
as-netprt | Network print server | 8474 |
as-rmtcmd | Remote command and program call server | 8475 |
as-signon | Signon server | 8476 |
as-svrmap | Server mapper | 449 |
drda | DDM | 446 |
as-admin-http | HTTP administration | 2001 |
as-mtgctrlj | Management central | 5544 |
as-mtgctrl | Management central | 5555 |
telnet | Telnet server | 23 |
as-edrsql | QXDAEDRSQL server | 4402 |
The following table shows port numbers for host servers and daemons that use Secure Sockets Layer (SSL):
Service name | Description | Port Number |
as-central-s | Secure central server | 9470 |
as-database-s | Secure database server | 9471 |
as-dtaq-s | Secure data queue server | 9472 |
as-file-s | Secure file server | 9473 |
as-netprt-s | Secure network print server | 9474 |
as-rmtcmd-s | Secure remote command/ Program call server | 9475 |
as-signon-s | Secure signon server | 9476 |
ddm-ssl | DDM | 448 |
as-admin-https | HTTP administration | 2010 |
as-mgtctrlj | Management central | 5544 |
as-mgtctrl-ss | Management central | 5566 |
as-mgtctrl-cs | Management central | 5577 |
Telnet-ssl | Telnet server | 992 |
You can use the WRKSRVTBLE command to display the service names and their associated port numbers.
| Work with Service Table Entries |
| System: AS400597 |
| Type options, press Enter. |
| 1=Add 4=Remove 5=Display |
| |
| Opt Service Port Protocol |
| _ _______________________________ ____________ _________________________ |
| _ as-central 8470 tcp |
| _ as-database 8471 tcp |
| _ as-dtaq 8472 tcp |
| _ as-file 8473 tcp |
| _ as-netprt 8474 tcp |
| _ as-rmtcmd 8475 tcp |
| _ as-signon 8476 tcp |
| _ as-svrmap 449 tcp |
| . |
| . |
| . |
| |
By selecting option 5 (display) for any entry, you also see the alias names. Use the ADDSRVTBLE and RMVSRVTBLE commands to change the service table for your installation.