Use NETSTAT, STRTCP, and STRHOSTSVR to verify and start TCP/IP functions.
Verify that TCP/IP is started with the following command:
Note: To verify that TCP/IP is started with iSeries™ Navigator,
you must already have configured your server with TCP/IP , then do the following:
Use the command STRTCP to start the desired protocol if it is not running.
Verify the necessary daemons are running by browsing the information returned from the NETSTAT *CNN command:
Remote Remote Local Address Port Port Idle Time State * * as-cent > 000:09:31 Listen * * as-signon 000:09:41 Listen * * as-svrmap 002:57:45 Listen * * as-data > 002:57:45 Listen
Use the command STRHOSTSVR SERVER(*ALL) to start them if necessary.
The PC locates the socket used by the database server by connecting to the server mapper socket. It retrieves the socket used by as-database. It then connects to the proper socket which is being monitored by the database server daemon, QZDASRVSD. The server daemon will attach the client's connection to a QZDASOINIT prestart job in QUSRWRK. If this is the first connection made to the server from this PC, then two other servers are used: Central server for licensing and signon server for userid/password validation.
For more information about verifying that TCP/IP is started, see General TCP/IP problems.