Set up a welcome or index page on HTTP Server (powered by Apache)
This topic provides information about how to set up a welcome or
index page on your HTTP Server with the IBM® Web Administration for i5/OS™ interface.
Important: Information
for this topic supports the latest PTF levels for HTTP Server for i5/OS .
It is recommended that you install the latest PTFs to upgrade to the latest
level of the HTTP Server for i5/OS. Some of the topics documented here are
not available prior to this update. See 
for more information.
You can configure your server to display a specific Web page known as a
welcome page for client requests that do not include a specific file name.
The server determines which file to serve by matching the list of welcome
pages to the files in the directory. The first match it finds is the file
it will return. To configure welcome page settings, do the following:
- Click the Manage tab.
- Click the HTTP Servers subtab.
- Select your HTTP Server (powered by Apache) from the Server list.
- Select the context you
want to work with from the Server area list.
- Expand Server Properties.
- Click General Server Configuration.
- Click the Welcome Pages tab in the form.
- Select Enabled to have the Welcome page displayed.
- Select the default action the server will take if the welcome file or
index file does not exists.
- Click Add under the Welcome/index file names table.
Note: You
may also use the existing file in the Welcome/index file names table.
- Click Browse and select the HTML file you want to use as a Welcome
- Click Continue.
- Click OK.