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Manage dynamic retrieval

Storage freed objects allow you to archive certain object types, which include database files, source files, stream files, and document library objects (DLOs) off your system to media When you archive objects that can storage freed, you archive the data associated with the object to alternate media, but the object's description remains on the system. This description uses very little space and acts as a placeholder in the event that the object data needs to be retrieved.

Dynamic retrieval of storage freed objects provides a way to access archived objects. If a user accesses the object, BRMS locates and restores that object's data dynamically, using the description stored on the system. You can either create an archive policy to handle storage freed objects or you can change an existing policy's archive criteria. To manage how retrieved objects are handle, follow these steps:
  1. In iSeries™ Navigator, expand My Connections (or your active environment).
  2. Expand a system with Backup, Recovery and Media Services installed on it.
  3. Right-click Backup, Recovery and Media Services and select Global Policy Properties.
  4. On the Retrieval page, you can select the type of media from which you want to retrieve objects. You can also specify how long retrieved objects will be retained on the system, whether to extend the retention of an object if it was used, and monitor use of that object after it was retained. For specifics on these retrieval options, click Help on the Retrieval page.
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