You currently have an application running in the HTTP Server (powered by Apache) using Internet users in the validation list MYLIB/HTTPVLDL. You would like use these same Internet users with the WebSphere Application Server (WAS) with LDAP authentication. To avoid duplicate maintenance of user information in the validation list and LDAP, you will also configure the HTTP server application to use LDAP authentication.
To accomplish this, these are the steps you need to take:
It is assumed that the directory server has previously been configured with the suffix "o=my company" and is running. LDAP users are to be stored in the directory subtree "cn=users,o=my company". The directory server administrator DN is "cn=administrator" and the administrator password is "secret".
Call the API from the command line as follows:
CALL PGM(QSYS/QGLDCPYVL) PARM('HTTPVLDL MYLIB ' 'cn=administrator' X'00000000' 'secret' X'00000000' 'cn=users,o=my company' X'00000000' '' X'00000000' X'00000000')
When completed, the directory server will contain inetorgperson entries base on the validation list entries. For example, the validation list user:
User name: jsmith Description: John Smith Password: ******
will result in the following directory entry:
dn: uid=jsmith,cn=users,o=my company objectclass: top objectclass: person objectclass: organizationalperson objectclass: inetorgperson uid: jsmith sn: jsmith cn: jsmith description: John Smith userpassword: ******
This entry can now be used to authenticate to the directory server. For example, performing this QSH ldapsearch will read the root DSE entry of the server:
> ldapsearch -D "uid=jsmith,cn=users,o=my company" -w ****** -s base "(objectclass=*)"
Once created, you can edit the directory entries to contain further information. For example, you might want to change the cn and sn values to reflect the user's full name and last name, respectively, or add a telephone number and e-mail address.
The WAS LDAP security needs to be configured to look for entries under the dn "cn=users,o=my company", using a search filter that maps the entered user name to inetOrgPerson entries containing that uid attribute value. For example, authenticating to WAS using the user name jsmith will result in a search for entries matching the search filter "(uid=jsmith)". For more information, see Configure LDAP search filters in the Websphere Application Server for iSeries Information Center.