Disallowed schema changes
Not all schema changes are allowed. Change restrictions include the following:
- Any change to the schema must leave the schema in a consistent state.
- An attribute type that is a supertype of another attribute type cannot
be deleted. An attribute type that is a "MAY" or a "MUST" attribute type of
an object class cannot be deleted.
- An object class that is a superclass of another cannot be deleted.
- Attribute types or object classes that refer to nonexisting entities (for
example, syntaxes or object classes) cannot be added.
- Attribute types or object classes cannot be modified in such a way that
they end up referring to nonexisting entities (for example, syntaxes or object
- New attributes cannot use existing database tables in their IBMattributestype
- Attributes that are used in any existing directory entries cannot be deleted.
- The length and syntax of an attribute cannot be changed.
- The database table or column associated with an attribute cannot be changed.
- Attributes used in definitions of existing object classes cannot be deleted.
- Object classes that are used in any existing directory entries cannot
be deleted.
Changes to the schema that affect the operation of the server are not allowed.
The following schema definitions are required by the directory server. They
must not be changed.
- Object classes:
- accessGroup
- accessRole
- alias
- os400-usrprf
- referral
- replicaObject
- top
- Attributes:
- aclEntry
- aclPropagate
- aclSource
- aliasedObjectName, aliasedentryName
- businessCategory
- cn, commonName
- createTimestamp
- creatorsName
- description
- dn, distinguishedName
- entryOwner
- hasSubordinates
- ibm-entryChecksum
- ibm-entryChecksumOp
- ibm-entryUuid
- member
- modifiersName
- modifyTimestamp
- name
- o, organizationName, organization
- objectClass
- os400-acgcde
- os400-astlvl
- os400-atnpgm
- os400-audlvl
- os400-aut
- os400-ccsid
- os400-chridctl
- os400-cntryid
- os400-curlib
- os400-dlvry
- os400-docpwd
- os400-dspsgninf
- os400-eimassoc
- os400-gid
- os400-groupmember
- os400-grpaut
- os400-grpauttyp
- os400-grpprf
- os400-homedir
- os400-IaspStorageInformation
- os400-inlmnu
- os400-inlpgm
- os400-invalidSignonCount
- os400-jobd
- os400-kbdbuf
- os400-langid
- os400-lclpwdmgt
- os400-lmtcpb
- os400-lmtdevssn
- os400-locale
- os400-maxstg
- os400-msgq
- os400-objaud
- os400-outq
- os400-owner
- os400-password
- os400-passwordExpirationDate
- os400-passwordLastChanged
- os400-previousSignon
- os400-profile
- os400-prtdev
- os400-ptylmt
- os400-pwdexp
- os400-pwdexpitv
- os400-setjobatr
- os400-sev
- os400-spcaut
- os400-spcenv
- os400-srtseq
- os400-status
- os400-storageUsed
- os400-storageUsedOnIasp
- os400-supgrpprf
- os400-sys os400-text
- os400-uid
- os400-usrcls
- os400-usropt
- ou, organizationalUnit, organizationalUnitName
- owner
- ownerPropagate
- ownerSource
- ref
- replicaBindDN
- replicaBindMethod
- replicaCredentials, replicaBindCredentials
- replicaHost
- replicaPort
- replicaUpdateTimeInterval
- replicaUseSSL
- seeAlso
- Syntaxes:
- All
- Matching rules:
- All