Create a search limit group
To create a search limit group, a group entry must be created using the
Web administration tool.
- Expand the Directory management category
in the navigation area and click Add an entry.
Or, click Manage entries and select the location
(cn=IBMpolicies or cn=localhost), then click Add. Entries under cn=IBMpolicies will be replicated, those under cn=localhost
will not.
- Select one of the group object classes from Structural object class menu.
- Click Next.
- Select an ibm-searchLimits auxiliary object
class from the Available menu and click Add. Repeat this process for each additional auxiliary
object class that needs to be added. An auxiliary object class from the Selected menu can be removed by selecting it and
clicking Remove.
- Click Next.
- In the Relative DN field, enter the relative
distinguished name (RDN) of the group being added. For example, cn=Search
- In the Parent DN field, enter the distinguished
name of the tree entry being selected. For example, cn=localhost. You can
also click Browse to select the Parent DN from
the list. Choose a choice and click Select to
specify a Parent DN. The Parent DN defaults
to the entry selected in the tree.
If you started this task
from the Manage entries panel, this field is
filled in for you. The Parent DN was selected
before clicking Add to start the add entry
- At the Required attributes tab,
enter the values for the required attributes.
- cn is the relative DN you specified
- In the ibm-searchSizeLimit field,
specify the number of entries by which to limit the size of the search . This
number can range between 0 and 2 147 483 647.
A setting of 0 is the same as Unlimited.
- In the ibm-searchTimeLimit field, specify
the number of seconds by which to limit the duration of the search . This
number can range between 0 and 2 147 483 647.
A setting of 0 is the same as Unlimited.
- Depending on the object class you selected, you might see a Member or uniqueMember field.
These are the members of the group you are creating. The entry is in the form
of a DN, for example, cn=Bob Garcia,ou=austin,o=ibm,c=us.
- If you want to add more than one value for a particular attribute, click Multiple values and then add the values
one at a time. Click OK when you
have finished adding the multiple values. The values are added to an expandable
menu displayed at the attribute.
- If your server has language tags enabled, click Language tag value to add or remove language tag descriptors.
- Click Other attributes.
- At the Other attributes tab, enter the
values as appropriate for the attributes. See Change binary attributes for
more information.
- Click Finish to create the entry.