Performance data files: QAPMJOBOSINTNUMInterval number: The nth sample database interval based on the start time specified in the Create Performance Data (CRTPFRDTA) command.PD (5,0)DTETIMInterval date (yymmdd) for job interval entry and job completion date, and time (hhmmss) for job completion entry.C (12)INTSECElapsed interval seconds.PD (7,0)DTCENCentury digit.C (1)JBNAMEJob name/workstation name.C (10)JBUSERJob user.C (10)JBNBRJob number.C (6)JBTYPEJob type. C (1)JBSTYPJob subtype. C (1)JBSTSFStatus flag: indicates job status relative to this interval. The values are:
Note: Jobs that are rerouted or transferred will result in a termination record (JBSTSF = 2) and a new job record (JBSTSF = 1.)
PD (1,0)JBSSYSName of the subsystem the job is running in.C (10)JBSLIBName of the library the subsystem description is in.C (10)JBROUTThe routing entry index for the subsystem this job is in.PD (5,0)JBACCOJob accounting code. Field cannot be displayed.C (15)JBRSPTotal transaction time (in seconds).
Note: Certain i5/OS™ functions support the concept of a transaction. The definition of a transaction and the characteristics of a transaction are different depending on the type of job or the specific function of the job. For interactive jobs, display I/O transactions are counted. The transaction starts on detection of enter from the workstation; the transaction ends when the keyboard is unlocked. For SNADS jobs, a transaction is the processing of a distribution.
PD (15,3)JBNTRNumber of transactions.
Note: Certain i5/OS functions support the concept of a transaction. The definition of a transaction and the characteristics of a transaction are different depending on the type of job or the specific function of the job. For interactive jobs, display I/O transactions are counted. The transaction starts on detection of enter from the workstation; the transaction ends when the keyboard is unlocked. For SNADS jobs, a transaction is the processing of a distribution.
PD (11,0)JBAIQTTotal application input queuing time (in hundredths of a second).PD (15,1)JBNAIQNumber of application input queuing transactions.PD (11,0)JBRUTTotal resource usage time (in seconds).PD (15,3)JBNRUNumber of resource usage transactions.PD (11,0)JBPLNNumber of print lines: Number of lines written by the program. This does not reflect what is actually printed. Spooled files can be ended, or printed with multiple copies.PD (11,0)JBPPGNumber of print pages.PD (11,0)JBPFLNumber of print files.PD (11,0)JBLWTNumber of database writes (logical): Number of times the internal database write function was called. This does not include I/O operations to readers/writers, or I/O operations caused by the CPYSPLF or DSPSPLF command. If SEQONLY(*YES) is specified, these numbers show each block of records written, not the number of individual records written.PD (11,0)JBLRDNumber of database reads (logical): Number of times the database module was called. This does not include I/O operations to readers/writers, or I/O operations caused by the CPYSPLF or DSPSPLF command. If SEQONLY(*YES) is specified, these numbers show each block of records read, not the number of individual records read.PD (11,0)JBDBUNumber of miscellaneous database operations: Updates, deletes, force-end-of-data, commits, rollbacks, and releases (logical).PD (11,0)JBCPTNumber of communications writes: These do not include remote workstation activity. They include only activity related to intersystem communications function (ICF) files when the I/O is for an intersystem communications function (ICF) device.PD (11,0)JBCGTNumber of communications reads (logical): These do not include remote workstation activity. They include only activity related to intersystem communications function (ICF) files when the I/O is for an intersystem communications function (ICF) device.PD (11,0)JBSPDTotal suspended time (in milliseconds.)PD (11,0)JBRRTTotal time job waited during reroutes (in milliseconds.)PD (11,0)JBLNDLine description: Name of the communications line this workstation and its controller are attached to. This is only available for remote workstations.C (10)JBCUDController description: Name of the controller this workstation is attached to.C (10)JB2LNDSecondary line description (pass-through and emulation only.)C (10)JB2CUDSecondary controller description (pass-through and emulation only).C (10)JBIRNIOP resource name.C (10)JBDRNDevice resource name.C (10)JBPORTWorkstation port number.PD (3,0)JBSTNWorkstation number.PD (3,0)JBPTSFPass-through source flag.PD (1,0)JBPTTFPass-through target flag.PD (1,0)JBEAFEmulation active flag.PD (1,0)JBPCSFiSeries™ Access application flag.PD (1,0)JBDDMFTarget DDM job flag.PD (1,0)JBMRTFMRT flag.PD (1,0)JBS36EIs job running in System/36 environment? (Y/N)C (1)JBQTTotal queuing time to enter the MRT (in hundredths of seconds).PD (11,0)JBMMTTotal time spent at MRTMAX (in seconds).PD (11,0)JBNEQTTotal number of entries into the MRT.PD (11,0)JBPUTNThe number of times ACPUT was called to send user or control data. Calls that result in no data being sent are not counted.PD (11,0)JBPUTAThe total amount of user and control data that was sent by the user's program. This value does not include the LLID, MAPNAME, or FMH-7 data lengths.PD (11,0)JBGETNThe number of times ACGET was called to receive user or control data. Calls that result in no data being given to the user application will not be counted.PD (11,0)JBGETAThe total amount of user and control data that was received by the user's program. This value does not include the LLID, MAPNAME, or FMH-7 data lengths.PD (11,0)JBPGINThe number of intervals that begin at the first put of a chain and end when CD is returned to the user.PD (11,0)JBPGILThe amount of time (in milliseconds) spent in intervals that begin at the first put of a chain and end when CD is returned to the user.PD (11,0)JBGGILThe amount of time (in milliseconds) spent in intervals that begin when the first get of a get chain completes and ends when the first get of a new chain is issued.PD (11,0)JBRTIThis is the number of request I/O commands (REQIOs) issued to transmit data of any kind (including FMH-7s.)PD (11,0)JBRRIThis is the number of REQIOs issued to receive data of any kind (including FMH-7s.)PD (11,0)JBXSLRFile system symbolic link reads. This count includes the following file systems: Root, QOpenSys, and user-defined file systems.PD (11,0)JBXDYRFile system directory reads. This count includes the following file systems: Root, QOpenSys, and user-defined file systems.PD (11,0)JBDLCHFile system directory lookup cache hits.PD (11,0)JBDLCMFile system lookup cache misses. This count includes the following file systems: Root, QOpenSys, and user-defined file systems.PD (11,0)JBSJNMSubmitter's job name.C (10)JBSJUSSubmitter's job user.C (10)JBSJNBSubmitter's job number.C (6)JBSJFGSubmitted job flag. This flag is designed to differentiate locally submitted jobs from jobs that are submitted from remote systems. Currently, this flag supports locally submitted jobs only.C (1)JBRSYSReserved.C (10)JBDEVNReserved.C (10)JBRLNMReserved.C (8)JBLLNMReserved.C (8)JBMODEReserved.C (8)JBRMNTReserved.C (8)JBBUPReserved.PD (11,0)JBBDLReserved.PD (11,0)JBBFEReserved.PD (11,0)JBBCODatabase commit operations.PD (11,0)JBBRODatabase rollback operations.PD (11,0)JBLBOThe cumulative number of SQL cursors which have been full opened.PD (11,0)JBLBCReserved.PD (11,0)JBLBIReserved.PD (11,0)JBLBSThe cumulative number of SQL cursors which have been pseudo-opened. Pseudo-opens are also known as reused SQL cursors.PD (11,0)JBDQSReserved.PD (11,0)JBDQRReserved.PD (11,0)JBNDAReserved.PD (11,0)JBNUSReserved.PD (11,0)JBSIT1Reserved.PD (11,0)JBSIT2Reserved.PD (11,0)JBSIT3Reserved.PD (11,0)JBGRUPJob group.C (3)JBTDESystem task identifier. This field cannot be displayed.C (8)JBFLAGJob flag (See notes.) Field cannot be displayed.C (2)JBSVRTServer type. The type of server represented by the job. A value of blank (or blank space) indicates that the job is not part of a server.

For more information on server types, see Server jobs and Server table

C (30)JBFSOPNFile system opens. This count includes the following file systems: Root, QOpenSys, and user-defined files systems.PD (11,0)JBFSDCFile system directory creates. This count includes the following file systems: Root, QOpenSys, and user-defined files systems.PD (11,0)JBFSNDCFile system non-directory creates. Count of create operations for non-directory objects such as files or symbolic links. This count includes the following file systems: Root, QOpenSys, and user-defined files systems.PD (11,0)JBFSDDFile system directory deletes. This count includes the following file systems: Root, QOpenSys, and user-defined files systems.PD (11,0)JBFSNDDFile system non-directory deletes. Count of delete operations for non-directory objects such as files or symbolic links. This count includes the following file systems: Root, QOpenSys, and user-defined files systems.PD (11,0)
Field Name Description Attribute