INTNUMInterval number: The nth sample database interval based on the start
time specified in the Create Performance Data (CRTPFRDTA) command.PD (5,0)
DTETIMInterval date (yymmdd) and time (hhmmss): The date and time of the
sample interval.C (12)
INTSECElapsed interval seconds: The number of seconds since the last sample
interval.PD (7,0)
DTECENCentury digit: where 0 indicates 19XX and 1 indicates 20XX.C (1)
HTJNAMServer job name (server name): This and next two server job fields
identify the child job for the server.C (10)
HTJUSRServer job user.C (10)
HTJNBRServer job number.C (6)
HTRTYPRequest type: This identifies the type of request being reported by
this record. Typical values are:
SR - Requests handled internally by server
SL - Requests of all types received via SSL (SSL is not actually a request
type. This record reports activity that occurred over an SSL connection even
though that activity is also reported with other applicable request types.)