Performance data files: QAPMDIOP
Field Name
INTNUMInterval number: The nth sample database interval based on the start
time specified in the Create Performance Data (CRTPFRDTA) command.PD (5,0)
DTETIMInterval date (yymmdd) and time (hhmmss): The date and time of the
sample interval.C (12)
INTSECElapsed interval seconds: The number of seconds since the last sample
interval.PD (7,0)
IOPRNIOP resource name.C (10)
DIIOPReservedC (1)
DITYPEIOP type.C (4)
DIIDLCIdle loop count: The number of times the disk controller IOP ran an
idle loop. This is done when the IOP has no work to perform. This count is
used with the idle loop time.PD (11,0)
DIIDLTIdle loop time: The time (in hundredths of microseconds) to run the
idle loop once.PD (11,0)
DITPDKTotal packets transferred.PD (11,0)
DIKBYOTotal KB transmitted from the IOP to the system across the bus.PD (11,0)
DIKBYITotal KB transmitted to the IOP from the system across the bus.PD (11,0)
DIOPSROPSTART bus unit message received from another bus unit using normal
flow.PD (11,0)
DIOPSSOPSTART bus unit message received from another bus unit using reverse
flow method 2 (always 0).PD (11,0)
DISGLRSignals received.PD (11,0)
DISGLSSignals sent.PD (11,0)
DIRSTQRestart queues sent.PD (11,0)
DIRQDODMA requests sent for output of data: The number of requests the IOP
sends to the system for data to be sent from the IOP to the system across
the bus.PD (11,0)
DIRQDIDMA requests sent for input of data: The number of requests the IOP
sends to the system for data to be sent to the IOP from the system across
the bus.PD (11,0)
DIBNAROccurrences of BNA received.PD (11,0)
DIRID0ReservedC (8)
DISMP0ReservedPD (11,0)
DIQLN0ReservedPD (11,0)
DINRQ0ReservedPD (11,0)
DIRID1ReservedC (8)
DISMP1ReservedPD (11,0)
DIQLN1ReservedPD (11,0)
DINRQ1ReservedPD (11,0)
DIRID2ReservedC (8)
DISMP2ReservedPD (11,0)
DIQLN2ReservedPD (11,0)
DINRQ2ReservedPD (11,0)
DIRID3ReservedC (8)
DISMP3ReservedPD (11,0)
DIQLN3ReservedPD (11,0)
DINRQ3ReservedPD (11,0)
DIRID4ReservedC (8)
DISMP4ReservedPD (11,0)
DIQLN4ReservedPD (11,0)
DINRQ4ReservedPD (11,0)
DIRID5ReservedC (8)
DISMP5ReservedPD (11,0)
DIQLN5ReservedPD (11,0)
DINRQ5ReservedPD (11,0)
DIRID6ReservedC (8)
DISMP6ReservedPD (11,0)
DIQLN6ReservedPD (11,0)
DINRQ6ReservedPD (11,0)
DIRID7ReservedC (8)
DISMP7ReservedPD (11,0)
DIQLN7ReservedPD (11,0)
DINRQ7ReservedPD (11,0)
DIRID8ReservedC (8)
DISMP8ReservedPD (11,0)
DIQLN8ReservedPD (11,0)
DINRQ8ReservedPD (11,0)
DIRID9ReservedC (8)
DISMP9ReservedPD (11,0)
DIQLN9ReservedPD (11,0)
DINRQ9ReservedPD (11,0)
DIRIDAReservedC (8)
DISMPAReservedPD (11,0)
DIQLNAReservedPD (11,0)
DINRQAReservedPD (11,0)
DIRIDBReservedC (8)
DISMPBReservedPD (11,0)
DIQLNBReservedPD (11,0)
DINRQBReservedPD (11,0)
DIRIDCReservedC (8)
DISMPCReservedPD (11,0)
DIQLNCReservedPD (11,0)
DINRQCReservedPD (11,0)
DIRIDDReservedC (8)
DISMPDReservedPD (11,0)
DIQLNDReservedPD (11,0)
DINRQDReservedPD (11,0)
DIRIDEReservedC (8)
DISMPEReservedPD (11,0)
DIQLNEReservedPD (11,0)
DINRQEReservedPD (11,0)
DIRIDFReservedC (8)
DISMPFReservedPD (11,0)
DIQLNFReservedPD (11,0)
DINRQFReservedPD (11,0)