Component Report - Storage Pool Activity

The Storage Pool Activity section of the Component Report shows detailed information for each storage pool. This information includes the storage pool activity level, as well as the number of transactions processed in each pool.

The Pool Identifier, shown at the top of the Storage Pool Activity section, specifies the storage pool identifier Start of change(the value can be from 01 through 64)End of change. A separate Storage Pool Activity section exists for each pool that was in use during the measurement period and was selected on the Print Component Report (PRTCPTRPT) command.

Changes to the Storage Pool Activity section of the Component Report include:Start of changeEnd of change
Start of change


                                                           Component Report                                         5/27/04 10:53:08  
                                                        Storage Pool Activity                                              Page 1219  
           Pool                               Avg                ---------- Avg Per Second -----------    ----- Avg Per Minute -----  
  Itv      Size        Act      Total         Rsp      CPU       ------ DB ------   ----- Non-DB -----    Act-      Wait-      Act-   
  End      (MB)       Level      Tns          Time     Util      Faults    Pages     Faults     Pages     Wait      Inel       Inel   
 ----- -----------    -----  -----------     -----    -----      -------   ------    -------    ------   ------    ------     ------  
 10:16       9,346     2332            0       .00     73.5         71.2    13002     1188.6     12081   127748         0          0  
 10:17       9,346     2332            0       .00     73.3         84.0    10130     1120.7     12352    93827         0          0
Itv End                 --  Interval end time (hour and minute)                                                      
Pool Size (MB)          --  Initial pool size in Megabytes (1024)                                                   
Act Level               --  Initial pool activity level                                                             
Total Tns               --  Number of transactions processed in this pool                                           
Avg Resp Time           --  Average transaction response time                                                       
CPU Util                --  Percentage of available CPU time used by the job.  This is the average of all processors
DB Faults               --  Database faults per second                                                              
DB Pages                --  Database pages per second                                                                
Non-DB Faults           --  Nondatabase faults per second                                                            
Non-DB Pages            --  Nondatabase pages per second                                                             
Act-Wait                --  Number of active-to-wait transitions per minute                                          
Wait-Inel               --  Number of wait-to-ineligible transitions per minute                                      
Act-Inel                --  Number of active-to-ineligible transitions per minute                                    
End of change