Omit items from PM iSeries analysis

Learn how to omit jobs, users, and communications lines when performing an analysis with PM iSeries™.

The PM iSeries software application summary includes an analysis of the top ten items for batch jobs, users, and communication lines. However, some jobs, users, or communication lines are not appropriate for such an analysis. For example, you may want to exclude jobs with longer than normal run times, such as autostart jobs, in the run-time category.

You can omit groups of batch jobs and users from the top ten analysis by using the generic omit function. For example, to omit all jobs starting with MYAPP specify: MYAPP*

To work with omissions, do the following steps:

  1. Type GO PM400 from the command line.
  2. Type a 4 from the PM eServer™ iSeries Menu and press Enter. The Work with Top Ten Omissions display appears.
  3. Type the appropriate option number depending on which item you want to omit.
    • Type a 1 to work with jobs.
    • Type a 2 to work with users.
    • Type a 3 to work with communications lines.
  4. Type a 1 in the appropriate field to omit either a user or a job from a particular category. In the case of a communications line, type the name of the line and then type a 1 in the appropriate field.