Synchronize the integration software level using iSeries Navigator

  1. Start of changeIn iSeries™ Navigator, click Integrated Server Administration -> Servers.End of change
  2. Right click the integrated server you want to synchronize and select Synchronize iSeries Integration Software. (If the i5/OS™ server you are accessing is not a V5R3 or later server, you will be presented with a list of earlier options, allowing you to install and uninstall service packs individually, or to perform a release update only.)
  3. Click Synchronize to confirm the action.
  4. You will receive a message indicating the synchronization is in progress followed by a completion message indicating that a reboot is about to take place. You will not be asked whether to reboot now or later.

To find out which levels of software are installed on i5/OS and the integrated server follow this procedure:

  1. Start of changeIn iSeries Navigator, click Integrated Server Administration -> Servers.End of change
  2. Right click the integrated server you are interested in and select Properties.
  3. click the Software tab. The software levels will be displayed there.