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Network server description

The network server description (NWSD) in Figure 13 and Figure 14 is the key i5/OS™ configuration object for all types of integrated servers. The NWSD object is used to tie together all of the other i5/OS objects that relate to an integrated server. For example, it contains a reference to the hardware that the server runs on, links to the virtual disk drives that the server uses, references to the network ports that the server uses and many other attributes of the server. The i5/OS Install Windows Server (INSWNTSVR) command is used to create the server's NWSD and several other i5/OS objects that are needed by the server.

For a description of the values that the NWSD contains, see the i5/OS Create Network Server Description (CRTNWSD) command.

For an integrated server, the IXS and IXA attached xSeries® server hardware is controlled by i5/OS.

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