Run integrated Windows server commands remotely
You can use i5/OS™ to remotely submit integrated server batch commands.
Windows server commands that can run in batch mode without user interaction
will work. Before submitting a remote command verify that the following is
- The server is an Integrated Windows Server on this i5/OS and is active.
- Your user profile is enrolled to the integrated Windows server or domain,
or you sign-on with the QSECOFR profile.
- You have authority to run SBMNWSCMD, which requires *JOBCTL special authority.
You must also have at least *USE authority to the QSYS/SBMNWSCMD *CMD object.
- If the user profile *LCLPWDMGT value is *YES, then the system value, QRETSVRSEC,
must be set to 1 and the user password must be changed or the user have signed-on
after QRETSVRSEC was changed.
- If the user profile *LCLPWDMGT value is *NO, then network authentication
(Kerberos) is used. The user must access the iSeries™ operation through Kerberos enabled
applications (like iSeries Navigator single sign-on). See SBMNWSCMD and file level backup support for Kerberos v5 and EIM for
more information.
- The i5/OS user profile password, and Windows password must be equivalent.
The easiest way to keep them consistent is to use User and Group enrollment.
You may also want to read these Guidelines for submitting remote commands.
To run integrated server commands from iSeries Navigator
- In iSeries Navigator, select Integrated Server Administration —> Servers.
- Right-click the server on which to run the batch command and select Run command.
- On the Run Command panel, type the Windows command
to run (such as dir \).
Tip: You can select the command from a list of 10 commands that you
have run previously on the server.
Click Run to run the command.
- Note:
- A command using the Run Command panel uses *PRIMARY as the authentication
domain. For alternative domains use SBMNWSCMD.
To run integrated Windows server commands from the character-based
- Type CALL QCMD and press Enter.
- Type SBMNWSCMD and press F4.
- Type the command you want to run on the remote server. Page down.
- Enter the NWSD of the server you want to run the command on and press
- The i5/OS account which you are using should be enrolled to the integrated
server in order to be granted authentication to run the remote command. The
Authentication domain field allows you to specify where to attempt to authenticate
your user ID.
- The output returned from the command will be displayed on the console.
Press F10 to see all messages.