Information about integrated Windows® servers is logged in several places. If you have a problem, this information may help determine its cause.
Monitor job log
The Monitor job log (see the topic Monitor job) contains messages that vary from normal processing events to detailed error messages. To check this log, do this:
QVNAVARY job log
The QVNAVARY job log contains messages that deal with the vary
on and vary off of the IXS or IXA attached network server description when
you shut down and restart from of the network server description when you
shut down and restart from Windows server. To check this log for
shutdown and startup errors, do this:
You can also use WRKJOB JOB(QVNAVARY).
For IXS or IXA attached xSeries® servers, a batch job using the name
BTnwsdname is submitted to perform the vary off and vary on needed to 'reboot'
the server.
Identify the qualified name of the job that was submitted in
the QVNAVARY joblog. Locate the joblog for the submitted 'reboot' job by fully
qualifying the jobname using WRKSPLF SELECT(*ALL) JOB(qualjobname).
List all 'reboot' jobs with WRKSPLF SELECT(*ALL) JOB(BTnwsdname)
Job log of the job that initiated a vary on or off
If a batch job or interactive user initiated a vary on or off of the NWSD from i5/OS, the log for that job might provide helpful information. For example, if you used a VRYCFG or WRKCFGSTS command, you can use the Display job (DSPJOB) command and option 10 to look at the job log.
Server message queue
If during the installation you specified a message queue for your network server, that message queue can provide helpful information.
System operator's message queue
The integrated server updates the system operator's message queue (QSYSOPR) with normal startup and shutdown messages in addition to failure messages. To display these messages from the character-based interface, enter DSPMSG QSYSOPR.
Communications message queue
iSCSI attached servers include a communications message queue
parameter. If during the installation you specified a communications message
queue for your network server, that message queue can provide helpful information
about communications status messages.
Profile synchronization job log
The profile synchronization job log contains EIM and user profile enrollment messages. To check this log, enter WRKJOB QPRFSYNCH.