File-level backup restrictions
When you use the file-level backup, you need to be aware of the following
limitations and restrictions:
This support is not available to stand-alone Windows servers
because the code comes packaged with IBM® i5/OS™ Integrated Server Support.
- This method does not back up files that are part of the IBM iSeries™ Integrated
Server Support code.
- You cannot stop users from signing-on and accessing data on the server
while the Save (SAV) or Restore (RST) command is running. IBM iSeries Integrated
Server Support can save a file that is in use as long as it can read the file.
Consequently, you should back up integrated server files when you expect few
users to be accessing the system. A note telling users to avoid accessing
the server would be a good precaution.
Windows Server 2003 provides function with its Volume Shadow
copy Service (VSS). This allows applicatiosns that are backup aware the ability
to save files while they are still in use when using File-level backup
- The QSECOFR user profile should not be used to perform a file-level backup.
Even if enrolled to the integrated server, QSECOFR will not be used to back
up the files. The Windows Local System Account will be used instead. It may
not have the necessary authority to back up all of the requested files.
- If the user profile *LCLPWDMGT value is *YES, then the system value, QRETSVRSEC,
must be set to 1 and the user password must be changed or the user have signed-on
after QRETSVRSEC was changed.
- If the user profile *LCLPWDMGT value is *NO, then network authentication
(kerberos) is used. The user must access the iSeries operation through an EIM enabled application
(like iSeries Navigator single-signon). See SBMNWSCMD and file level backup support for Kerberos v5 and EIM for
more information.
The integrated server must be active and have a working TCP/IP
point to point virtual Ethernet connection with i5/OS. You must back up your integrated server
files either before putting the system into restricted state to back up the
rest of the i5/OS files or after completing restricted state operations.
- This procedure requires that you have the same userID and password on
the integrated server and i5/OS.
- Your integrated server user account must be a member of the Administrators
- File-level backup uses the QNTC file system (NetClient) to build the list
of files to be saved. QNTC uses iSeries NetServer™ to locate servers in the domain.
You need to have the iSeries NetServer in the same domain (see Ensure iSeries NetServer and the integrated Windows server
are in same domain)
as the integrated server from which you are going to save files.
- Be careful about trying to restore all files on all drives that you previously
saved through the QNTC file system. Certain Windows system files (for example,
files in the Recycle Bin) can cause unexpected results after you restore them.
- On Windows 2000 Server or Windows Server 2003, you need to give special
consideration to System File Protection when you are backing up and recovering
Windows system files. Refer to Microsoft® documentation.