Use the network server description (NWSD) dump tool on i5/OS

You can use the network server description (NWSD) dump tool (QFPDMPLS) to dump the different configuration and log files that are used with your integrated Windows server. To do this you need *ALLOBJ special authority.

To do this, take these steps:

  1. Vary off the NWSD (see Start and stop an integrated server).
  2. At the i5/OS command line, type

    CALL QFPDMPLS PARM(nwsdname)

    where nwsdname is the network server description name.

    The program creates a database file QGPL/QFPNWSDMP with multiple members. Each database file member name has the NWSD name followed by two digits (01 - 99). For example, for an NWSD named MYSERVER, the first member name would be MYSERVER01.

  3. Display the member to see the contents of the different files associated with your server description. Different files are important for problem analysis, depending on which installation step is causing a problem.
  4. Refer to the following table to note the importance of each file during a particular installation step. If a file is marked 1, refer to it first during problem analysis, 2 second, and 3 last. Files that are not marked are not relevant to installation, but may be relevant at other times. Some members are not created until the post-installation phase.
You cannot use QFPDMPLS to retrieve files on the system drive if you convert the drive to NTFS.

You may not find all the files listed below on some servers. If a particular file is not found, the file will not be retrieved by the QFPDMPLS API and the corresponding database member will not be created.

Start of changeNWSD configuration and log files
End of change

Start of change
Member Name Data
File Name Windows Directory Install Post-
nwsdname01 Txt CONFIG.SYS C:\ 3 3
nwsdname02 Txt AUTOEXEC.BAT C:\ 2 2
nwsdname03 Txt BOOT.INI C:\

nwsdname04 Txt HOSTS C:\ or D:\
nwsdname05 Txt QVNI.CFG C:\ or D:\

nwsdname06 Txt QVNACFG.TXT C:\ or D:\

nwsdname07 Txt QVNADAEM.LOG C:\ or D:\

nwsdname08 Txt DUMPFILE.C01 C:\

nwsdname09 Bin DUMPFILE.C01 C:\

nwsdname10 Txt DUMPFILE.C02 C:\

nwsdname11 Bin DUMPFILE.C02 C:\

nwsdname12 Txt UNATTEND.TXT D:\ 1
nwsdname13 Txt INSWNTSV.LNG D:\ 2
nwsdname14 Txt INSWNTSV.VER D:\ 2
nwsdname15 Txt QVNADAEM.LOG D:\

nwsdname16 Txt QVNARCMD.LOG D:\

nwsdname17 Txt QVNDT400.LOG D:\

nwsdname18 Txt QVNDVSTP.LOG D:\

nwsdname19 Txt QVNDVSCD.LOG D:\

nwsdname20 Txt QVNDVSDD.LOG D:\

nwsdname21 Txt EVENTSYS.TXT D:\

nwsdname22 Txt EVENTSEC.TXT D:\

nwsdname23 Txt EVENTAPP.TXT D:\

nwsdname24 Txt PERFDATA.TSV D:\

nwsdname25 Txt REGSERV.TXT D:\

nwsdname26 Txt REGIBM.TXT D:\

nwsdname27 Txt REGIBMCO.TXT D:\

nwsdname28 Txt DUMPFILE.D01 D:\

nwsdname29 Bin DUMPFILE.D01 D:\

nwsdname30 Txt DUMPFILE.D02 D:\

nwsdname31 Bin DUMPFILE.D02 D:\

nwsdname32 Txt HOSTS %SystemRoot%\SYSTEM32\DRIVERS\ETC   3
nwsdname33 Txt LMHOSTS %SystemRoot%\SYSTEM32\DRIVERS\ETC   3
nwsdname34 Bin MEMORY.DMP C:\WINNT  



nwsdname38 Txt A4EXCEPT.LOG D:\

nwsdname39 Txt DUMPFILE.E01 E:\

nwsdname40 Bin DUMPFILE.E01 E:\

nwsdname41 Txt DUMPFILE.E02 E:\

nwsdname42 Bin DUMPFILE.E02 E:\

nwsdname43 Txt CMDLINES.TXT D:\I386\$OEM$ 2
nwsdname44 Txt QVNABKUP.LOG D:\AS400NT

nwsdname45 Txt QVNADAEM.LOG D:\AS400NT

nwsdname46 Txt QCONVGRP.LOG D:\AS400NT

nwsdname47 Txt SETUPACT.LOG C:\WINNT 1
nwsdname48 Txt SETUPAPI.LOG C:\WINNT 1
nwsdname49 Txt SETUPERR.LOG C:\WINNT 1
nwsdname50 Txt SETUPLOG.TXT C:\WINNT 1
nwsdname51 Txt VRMFLOG.TXT D:\AS400NT

nwsdname52 Txt PTFLOG.TXT D:\AS400NT

nwsdname53 Txt PTFUNIN.TXT D:\AS400NT

nwsdname54 Txt VRMLOG.TXT %SystemRoot%\AS400WSV\SERVICE\VRM

nwsdname55 Txt PTFLOG.TXT %SystemRoot%\AS400WSV\SERVICE\SERVPACK


nwsdname57 Txt QVNDVEU.LOG D:\AS400NT

nwsdname58 Txt SERVICE.LOG D:\AS400NT

nwsdname59 Txt LVDELOEM.LOG D:\AS400NT

nwsdname60 Txt INVOKINF.LOG D:\AS400NT

nwsdname61 Txt LVMASTER.LOG D:\AS400NT

nwsdname62 Txt QITDINST.LOG D:\AS400NT

nwsdname63 Txt QVNDVIMR.LOG D:\AS400NT

nwsdname64 Txt QVNDVIMC.LOG D:\AS400NT

nwsdname65 Txt QVNDSDMR.LOG D:\AS400NT

nwsdname66 Txt QVNDSDMC.LOG D:\AS400NT

nwsdname67 Txt QVNILMGR.LOG D:\AS400NT

End of change