Use the network selection mechanism

The network selection mechanism allows you to choose the transport on which an application should run.

The /etc/netconfig file is a database that lists the transports that are available to the host and identifies them by type. Transports are available in the /etc/netconfig file in the specified order in which they appear.

If you want to access the /etc/netconfig file on i5/OS™ in IBM® eServer iSeries™ Navigator, complete the following steps:

  1. Open iSeries Navigator.
  2. Expand the Network folder.
  3. Expand the Servers folder.
  4. Click the i5/OS server.
  5. Right-click RPC and from the menu, select Properties.
  6. Click the RPC Transports tab.
    Note: You must have *IOSYSCFG authority to view this information.
Related reference
Application programming interfaces (APIs)