Disabled user profiles

iSeries NetServer™ uses iSeries user profiles and passwords to allow network administrators to control how users can access data. In addition, an iSeries system value named QMAXSIGN specifies how many unauthorized sign-on attempts disable the user profile.

A user profile becomes disabled when the user tries to access iSeries NetServer a specified number of times with an incorrect password. A user profile cannot become completely disabled when connecting to an iSeries with iSeries NetServer. If a user exceeds the maximum number of sign-on attempts the user profile becomes disabled for only iSeries NetServer use. Other types of access, such as a system sign-on, are not prevented.

iSeries NetServer uses the last-changed date on iSeries user profiles to determine if they have changed since becoming disabled. If the last-changed date is newer than the date of becoming disabled, then the user profile becomes enabled again for use with iSeries NetServer.

  1. The QSYSOPR message queue displays the CPIB682 error message that indicates when an iSeries user profile was disabled for use with iSeries NetServer.
  2. Some clients will try a name and password several times without the user being aware of it. For example, if the user's desktop password does not match the iSeries user profile password, the client may try to access the iSeries NetServer several times before displaying the Network Password popup window. When the correct password is supplied, the user profile may already be disabled for iSeries NetServer use on the iSeries. If you encounter this situation, the Maximum sign-on attempts allowed system value, QMAXSIGN, could be increased to accommodate multiple client authentication attempts. To do this, use the Work with System Values command: WRKSYSVAL SYSVAL (QMAXSIGN).

Display disabled user profiles

To display the disabled iSeries NetServer users using iSeries Navigator, follow these steps:

  1. In iSeries Navigator, connect to an iSeries server.
  2. Expand Network.
  3. Expand Servers.
  4. Click TCP/IP to view list of TCP/IP servers available.
  5. Right-click iSeries NetServer and select Open.
  6. Click on File in the upper left corner.
  7. On the pull-down select Disabled User IDs.

Enable a disabled user profile

You can re-enable a user profile that has become disabled. You need *IOSYSCFG and *SECADM authority to use iSeries Navigator to enable a disabled iSeries NetServer user.

There are three ways that you can enable a user profile that has been disabled.