iSeries NetServer user profile authority requirements

iSeries NetServer™ authenticates client file and print requests that are based on the user identity (ID) and password that are used in the Windows desktop logon. If an iSeries user profile matches the Windows desktop client user ID, then the passwords will be checked. If the passwords do not match, iSeries NetServer will prompt the client to enter the correct one.

If the Windows user ID is longer than 10 characters (also the maximum length of the user profile name on the iSeries server), then iSeries NetServer truncates the Windows user ID to 10 characters and attempts to match it with an iSeries user profile. For example, an iSeries user profile called ADMINISTRA could be created to match the Windows Administrator user without requiring guest support.

In order to access iSeries NetServer shared resources, clients may not need an iSeries user profile that matches their Windows desktop user. iSeries NetServer can provide guest support for those clients that need only basic file and print services. This support is not automatically enabled. You can configure it by:

  1. Right-click on the iSeries NetServer icon and select Properties
  2. Select the Advanced tab
  3. Click the Next Start button
  4. Specify the guest user profile name in the appropriate field
You need *IOSYSCFG and *SECADM special authority to change the iSeries NetServer guest configuration. Changes take effect the next time iSeries NetServer is started. In addition, the guest user profile should not have any special authorities and should have access only to those iSeries integrated file system directories and output queues that are used for basic file and print services.