This structure consists of the partner node for the single-hop-route
request and an array of 255 entries that represent the status of particular
transmission groups. The single hop route element explains why the entries
can not be used.
Byte | Bits | Content |
Header Information for Variable Data | ||
0 | Length of this type of variable data | |
2 | X'04' | Key value for routing information variable data |
Variable Data | ||
3 | Network identifier of the partner node | |
B | Control-point name of partner node | |
13 | The 255 entries (1 byte each) that represent the state of the transmission group | |
X'00' | Transmission group number not defined | |
X'01' | Transmission group is active but does not have the correct class-of-service characteristics | |
X'02' | Transmission group is inactive but does have correct class-of-service characteristics | |
X'03' | Transmission group is inactive and does not have correct class-of-service characteristics |