Create the APPC device (Payroll to Minneapolis)
Because this is an APPC/APPN environment, the device is an APPC device
and the CRTDEVAPPC command is used to define the attributes of the device.
The following attributes are defined by the example command:
- Specifies that the name assigned to the device description is MPLS.
- LOCADR(00)
- The location address should always be specified as hex 00 when the device
is associated with an APPC controller.
- Specifies that the remote location name associated with this device
description is MPLS.
This value matches the value that is specified for
the LCLLOCNAME parameter at the other system (MPLS).
- Specifies the name that is assigned to the local location, which is
PAYROLL in the example.
This value matches the value that is specified
for the RMTLOCNAME parameter at the other system (MPLS).
- Specifies that the networking support is not used.
- Specifies that this device description is attached to a controller description
that is named MPLS.
- Specifies that this device will use either of two modes: BLANK, which
is a mode name of all blanks (hex 40), or #BATCH. IBM® supplies both these modes. Note that the
other location must also use one of these modes when communicating with this