XML parser and XSLT processor

Some IBM® Toolbox for Java™ packages or functions require that, at run-time, you have an Extensible Markup Language (XML) parser or Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformations (XSLT) processor in your CLASSPATH environment variable.

Refer to the following information to determine which parser and processor you want to use.

For more information about which IBM Toolbox for Java packages and functions require an XML parser or XSLT processor, see the following page:

Jar files

XML parser

If the package or function requires an XML parser, you must include an XML parser in the CLASSPATH at run-time. The XML parser must meet the following requirements:

Note: The parser only needs to support full schema validation if use intend to use XPCML. If you are only using PCML, full schema validation is not necessary.

The Java 2 Software Developer Kit (J2SDK), version 1.4, includes a suitable XML parser. If you use a previous version of J2SDK, use any of the following methods to access a suitable XML parser:

Note: Consider using the latest versions of the parsers that reside in /QIBM/ProdData/OS400/xml/lib. For example, xmlapis11.jar and xerces411.jar are both fully validating parsers.

You can use these parsers on your server or copy them to a workstation.

Note: Any XML parser that meets the requirements for running XPCML can run PCML and RFML. Keep in mind that XPCML does not support serialization.

XSLT processor

If the package or function requires an XSLT processor, you must include an XSLT processor in the CLASSPATH at run-time. The XSLT processor must meet the following requirements:

The Java 2 Software Developer Kit (J2SDK), version 1.4, includes a suitable XSLT processor. If you use a previous version of J2SDK, use any of the following methods to access a suitable XSLT processor:

You can use these processors on your server or copy them to a workstation.