The Resource package and its classes have been deprecated. You are advised to use the Access package instead.
The and abstract classes represent an iSeries™ resource.
Resource is an abstract class that provides generic access to the attributes of any resource. Every attribute is identified using an attribute ID, and any given subclass of Resource will normally document the attribute IDs that it supports.
Resource provides only read access to the attribute values.
IBM® Toolbox for Java™ provides the following resource objects:
The ChangeableResource abstract class, a subclass of Resource, adds the ability to change attribute values of an iSeries resource. Attribute changes are cached internally until they are committed or canceled. This allows you to change many attribute values at once.
The following examples show how you can directly use concrete subclasses of Resource and ChangeableResource, and also how generic code can work with any Resource or ChangeableResource subclass.
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IBM grants you a nonexclusive copyright license to use all programming code examples from which you can generate similar function tailored to your own specific needs.
All sample code is provided by IBM for illustrative purposes only. These examples have not been thoroughly tested under all conditions. IBM, therefore, cannot guarantee or imply reliability, serviceability, or function of these programs.
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