Example: Reading spooled files

Note: Read the Code example disclaimer for important legal information.
// Example that reads an existing server spooled file.
// This source is an example of IBM Toolbox for Java "PrintObjectInputStream".
        byte[] buf = new byte[2048];
        int bytesRead;
        AS400 sys = new AS400();
        SpooledFile splf = new SpooledFile( sys,          // AS400
                                            "MICR",       // splf name
                                            17,           // splf number
                                            "QPRTJOB",    // job name
                                            "QUSER",      // job user
                                            "020791" );   // job number

        // open the spooled file for reading and get the input stream to
        // read from it.
        InputStream in = splf.getInputStream(null);

            // read up to buf.length bytes of raw spool data into
            // our buffer.  The actual bytes read will be returned.
            // The data will be a binary printer data stream that is the
            // contents of the spooled file.
            bytesRead = in.read( buf );
            if( bytesRead != -1 )
                // process the spooled file data.
               System.out.println( "Read " + bytesRead + " bytes" );
        } while( bytesRead != -1 );

    catch( Exception e )
        // exception