The following source illustrates one way that your ToolboxME for iSeries™ application can use the Mobile Information Device Profile (MIDP) and IBM® Toolbox for Java™ to access data and services on an iSeries server.
This example demonstrates each of the functions built into the IBM Toolbox for Java 2 Micro Edition support. This application features different pages or screens that illustrate some of the many ways in which your Tier0 device can use these functions.
When built as a working program, the example code below uses a Program Call Markup Language (PCML) file to run commands on the iSeries server.
To create a working version of the source code and to obtain the required PCML source for running server commands, you must download the example. You also may want to review the instructions for creating and running the example program.
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // ToolboxME for iSeries example. This program is an example that shows how // ToolboxME for iSeries can use PCML to access data and services on an // iSeries server. // // This application requires that the qsyrusri.pcml file is present in the // CLASSPATH of the MEServer. // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// import*; import java.sql.*; import java.util.Hashtable; import javax.microedition.midlet.*; import javax.microedition.lcdui.*; import javax.microedition.rms.*; import*; public class ToolboxMidpDemo extends MIDlet implements CommandListener { private Display display_; // A ToolboxME system object. private AS400 system_; private List main_ = new List("ToolboxME MIDP Demo", Choice.IMPLICIT); // Create a form for each component. private Form signonForm_; private Form cmdcallForm_; private Form pgmcallForm_; private Form dataqueueForm_; private Form aboutForm_; // Visable Text for each component. static final String SIGN_ON = "SignOn"; static final String COMMAND_CALL = "CommandCall"; static final String PROGRAM_CALL = "ProgramCall"; static final String DATA_QUEUE = "DataQueue"; static final String ABOUT = "About"; static final String NOT_SIGNED_ON = "Not signed on."; static final String DQ_READ = "Read"; static final String DQ_WRITE = "Write"; // A ticker to display the signon status. private Ticker ticker_ = new Ticker(NOT_SIGNED_ON); // Commands that can be performed. private static final Command actionExit_ = new Command("Exit", Command.SCREEN, 0); private static final Command actionBack_ = new Command("Back", Command.SCREEN, 0); private static final Command actionGo_ = new Command("Go", Command.SCREEN, 1); private static final Command actionClear_ = new Command("Clear", Command.SCREEN, 1); private static final Command actionRun_ = new Command("Run", Command.SCREEN, 1); private static final Command actionSignon_ = new Command(SIGN_ON, Command.SCREEN, 1); private static final Command actionSignoff_= new Command("SignOff", Command.SCREEN, 1); private Displayable onErrorGoBackTo_; // the form to return to when done displaying the error form // TextFields for the SignOn form. private TextField signonSystemText_ = new TextField("System", "rchasdm3", 20, TextField.ANY); private TextField signonUidText_ = new TextField("UserId", "JAVA", 10, TextField.ANY); // TBD temporary private TextField signonPwdText_ = new TextField("Password", "JTEAM1", 10, TextField.PASSWORD); private TextField signonServerText_ = new TextField("MEServer", "localhost", 10, TextField.ANY); private StringItem signonStatusText_ = new StringItem("Status", NOT_SIGNED_ON); // TextFields for the CommandCall form. // TBD: max size; TBD: TextBox??? private TextField cmdText_ = new TextField("Command", "CRTLIB FRED", 256, TextField.ANY); private StringItem cmdMsgText_ = new StringItem("Messages", null); private StringItem cmdStatusText_ = new StringItem("Status", null); // TextFields for the ProgramCall form. private StringItem pgmMsgDescription_ = new StringItem("Messages", null); private StringItem pgmMsgText_ = new StringItem("Messages", null); // TextFields for the DataQueue form. private TextField dqInputText_ = new TextField("Data to write", "Hi there", 30, TextField.ANY); private StringItem dqOutputText_ = new StringItem("DQ contents", null); private ChoiceGroup dqReadOrWrite_ = new ChoiceGroup("Action", Choice.EXCLUSIVE, new String[] { DQ_WRITE, DQ_READ}, null); private StringItem dqStatusText_ = new StringItem("Status", null); /** * Creates a new ToolboxMidpDemo. **/ public ToolboxMidpDemo() { display_ = Display.getDisplay(this); // Note: The KVM-based demo used TabbedPane for the main panel. // MIDP has no similar class, so we use a List instead. } /** * Show the main screen. * Implements abstract method of class Midlet. **/ protected void startApp() { main_.append(SIGN_ON, null); main_.append(COMMAND_CALL, null); main_.append(PROGRAM_CALL, null); main_.append(DATA_QUEUE, null); main_.append(ABOUT, null); main_.addCommand(actionExit_); main_.setCommandListener(this); display_.setCurrent(main_); } // Implements method of interface CommandListener. public void commandAction(Command action, Displayable dsp) { // All 'exit' and 'back' processing is the same. if (action == actionExit_) { destroyApp(false); notifyDestroyed(); } else if (action == actionBack_) { // Return to main menu. display_.setCurrent(main_); } else if (dsp instanceof List) { List current = (List)dsp; // An action occurred on the main page if (current == main_) { int idx = current.getSelectedIndex(); switch (idx) { case 0: // SignOn showSignonForm(); break; case 1: // CommandCall showCmdForm(); break; case 2: // ProgramCall showPgmForm(); break; case 3: // DataQueue showDqForm(); break; case 4: // About showAboutForm(); break; default: // None of the above feedback("Internal error: Unhandled selected index in main: " + idx, AlertType.ERROR); break; } } // current == main else feedback("Internal error: The Displayable object is a List but is not main_.", AlertType.ERROR); } // instanceof List else if (dsp instanceof Form) { Form current = (Form)dsp; if (current == signonForm_) { if (action == actionSignon_) { // Create a ToolboxME system object. system_ = new AS400(signonSystemText_.getString(), signonUidText_.getString(), signonPwdText_.getString(), signonServerText_.getString()); try { // Connect to the iSeries. system_.connect(); // Set the signon status text. signonStatusText_.setText("Signed on."); // Display a confirmation dialog that the user is signed on. feedback("Successfully signed on.", AlertType.INFO, main_); // Replace the SignOn button with SignOff. signonForm_.removeCommand(actionSignon_); signonForm_.addCommand(actionSignoff_); // Update the ticker. ticker_.setString("... Signed on to '" + signonSystemText_.getString() + "' as '" + signonUidText_.getString() + "' via '" + signonServerText_.getString() + "' ... "); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); // Set the signon status text. signonStatusText_.setText(NOT_SIGNED_ON); feedback("Signon failed. " + e.getMessage(), AlertType.ERROR); } } else if (action == actionSignoff_) { if (system_ == null) feedback("Internal error: System is null.", AlertType.ERROR); else { try { // Disconnect from the iSeries. system_.disconnect(); system_ = null; // Set the signon status text. signonStatusText_.setText(NOT_SIGNED_ON); // Display a confirmation dialog that the user is no longer signed on. feedback("Successfully signed off.", AlertType.INFO, main_); // Replace the SignOff button with SignOn. signonForm_.removeCommand(actionSignoff_); signonForm_.addCommand(actionSignon_); // Update the ticker. ticker_.setString(NOT_SIGNED_ON); } catch (Exception e) { feedback(e.toString(), AlertType.ERROR); e.printStackTrace(); signonStatusText_.setText("Error."); feedback("Error during signoff.", AlertType.ERROR); } } } else // None of the above. { feedback("Internal error: Action is not recognized.", AlertType.INFO); } } // signonForm_ else if (current == cmdcallForm_) { if (action == actionRun_) { // If the user has not signed on, display an alert. if (system_ == null) { feedback(NOT_SIGNED_ON, AlertType.ERROR); return; } // Get the command the user entered in the wireless device. String cmdString = cmdText_.getString(); // If the command was not specified, display an alert. if (cmdString == null || cmdString.length() == 0) feedback("Specify command.", AlertType.ERROR); else { try { // Run the command. String[] messages =, cmdString); StringBuffer status = new StringBuffer("Command completed with "); // Check to see if their are any messages. if (messages.length == 0) { status.append("no returned messages."); cmdMsgText_.setText(null); cmdStatusText_.setText("Command completed successfully."); } else { if (messages.length == 1) status.append("1 returned message."); else status.append(messages.length + " returned messages."); // If there are messages, display only the first message. cmdMsgText_.setText(messages[0]); cmdStatusText_.setText(status.toString()); } repaint(); } catch (Exception e) { feedback(e.toString(), AlertType.ERROR); e.printStackTrace(); feedback("Error when running command.", AlertType.ERROR); } } } else if (action == actionClear_) { // Clear the command text and messages. cmdText_.setString(""); cmdMsgText_.setText(null); cmdStatusText_.setText(null); repaint(); } else // None of the above. { feedback("Internal error: Action is not recognized.", AlertType.INFO); } } // cmdcallForm_ else if (current == pgmcallForm_) { if (action == actionRun_) { // If the user is not signed on before doing a program call, display an alert. if (system_ == null) { feedback(NOT_SIGNED_ON, AlertType.ERROR); return; } pgmMsgText_.setText(null); // See the PCML example in the IBM Toolbox for Java information. String pcmlName = "qsyrusri.pcml"; // The PCML file we want to use. String apiName = "qsyrusri"; // Create a hashtable that contains the input parameters for the program call. Hashtable parmsToSet = new Hashtable(2); parmsToSet.put("qsyrusri.receiverLength", "2048"); parmsToSet.put("qsyrusri.profileName", signonUidText_.getString().toUpperCase()); // Create a string array that contains the output parameters to retrieve. String[] parmsToGet = { "qsyrusri.receiver.userProfile", "qsyrusri.receiver.previousSignonDate", "qsyrusri.receiver.previousSignonTime", "qsyrusri.receiver.daysUntilPasswordExpires"}; // A string array containing the descriptions of the parameters to display. String[] displayParm = { "Profile", "Last signon Date", "Last signon Time", "Password Expired (days)"}; try { // Run the program. String[] valuesToGet =, pcmlName, apiName, parmsToSet, parmsToGet); // Create a StringBuffer and add each of the parameters we retreived. StringBuffer txt = new StringBuffer(); txt.append(displayParm[0] + ": " + valuesToGet[0] + "\n"); char[] c = valuesToGet[1].toCharArray(); txt.append(displayParm[1] + ": " + c[3] + c[4] + "/" + c[5] + c[6] + "/" + c[1] + c[2] + "\n"); char[] d = valuesToGet[2].toCharArray(); txt.append(displayParm[2] + ": " + d[0] + d[1] + ":" + d[2] + d[3] + "\n"); txt.append(displayParm[3] + ": " + valuesToGet[3] + "\n"); // Set the displayable text of the program call results. pgmMsgText_.setText(txt.toString()); StringBuffer status = new StringBuffer("Program completed with "); if (valuesToGet.length == 0) { status.append("no returned values."); feedback(status.toString(), AlertType.INFO); } else { if (valuesToGet.length == 1) status.append("1 returned value."); else status.append(valuesToGet.length + " returned values."); feedback(status.toString(), AlertType.INFO); } } catch (Exception e) { feedback(e.toString(), AlertType.ERROR); e.printStackTrace(); feedback("Error when running program.", AlertType.ERROR); } } else if (action == actionClear_) { // Clear the program call results. pgmMsgText_.setText(null); repaint(); } } // pgmcallForm_ else if (current == dataqueueForm_) // DataQueue { if (action == actionGo_) { // If the user has not signed on before performing Data Queue actions, // display an alert. if (system_ == null) { feedback(NOT_SIGNED_ON, AlertType.ERROR); return; } // Create a library to create the data queue in. try {, "CRTLIB FRED"); } catch (Exception e) { } // Run a command to create a data queue. try {, "CRTDTAQ FRED/MYDTAQ MAXLEN(2000)"); } catch (Exception e) { feedback("Error when creating data queue. " + e.getMessage(), AlertType.WARNING); } try { // See which action was selected (Read or Write). if (dqReadOrWrite_.getString(dqReadOrWrite_.getSelectedIndex()).equals(DQ_WRITE)) { // Write dqOutputText_.setText(null); // Get the text from the wireless device input to be written to // the data queue. if (dqInputText_.getString().length() == 0) dqStatusText_.setText("No data specified."); else { // Write to the data queue. DataQueue.write(system_, "/QSYS.LIB/FRED.LIB/MYDTAQ.DTAQ", dqInputText_.getString().getBytes() ); dqInputText_.setString(null); // Display the status. dqStatusText_.setText("The 'write' operation completed."); } } else // Read { // Read from the data queue. byte[] b = DataQueue.readBytes(system_, "/QSYS.LIB/FRED.LIB/MYDTAQ.DTAQ"); // Determine if the data queue contained entries or not // and display the appropriate message. if (b == null) { dqStatusText_.setText("No dataqueue entries are available."); dqOutputText_.setText(null); } else if (b.length == 0) { dqStatusText_.setText("Dataqueue entry has no data."); dqOutputText_.setText(null); } else { dqStatusText_.setText("The 'read' operation completed."); dqOutputText_.setText(new String(b)); } } repaint(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); feedback(e.toString(), AlertType.ERROR); feedback("Error when running command. " + e.getMessage(), AlertType.ERROR); } } // actionGo_ else if (action == actionClear_) { // Clear the data queue form. dqInputText_.setString(""); dqOutputText_.setText(null); dqReadOrWrite_.setSelectedFlags(new boolean[] { true, false}); dqStatusText_.setText(null); repaint(); } else // None of the above. { feedback("Internal error: Action is not recognized.", AlertType.INFO); } } // dataqueueForm_ else if (current == aboutForm_) // "About". { // Should never reach here, since the only button is "Back". } // None of the above. else feedback("Internal error: Form is not recognized.", AlertType.ERROR); } // instanceof Form else feedback("Internal error: Displayable object not recognized.", AlertType.ERROR); } /** * Displays the "About" form. **/ private void showAboutForm() { // If the about form is null, create and append it. if (aboutForm_ == null) { aboutForm_ = new Form(ABOUT); aboutForm_.append(new StringItem(null, "This is a MIDP example application that uses the " + "IBM Toolbox for Java Micro Edition (ToolboxME).")); aboutForm_.addCommand(actionBack_); aboutForm_.setCommandListener(this); } display_.setCurrent(aboutForm_); } /** * Displays the "SignOn" form. **/ private void showSignonForm() { // Create the signon form. if (signonForm_ == null) { signonForm_ = new Form(SIGN_ON); signonForm_.append(signonSystemText_); signonForm_.append(signonUidText_); signonForm_.append(signonPwdText_); signonForm_.append(signonServerText_); signonForm_.append(signonStatusText_); signonForm_.addCommand(actionBack_); signonForm_.addCommand(actionSignon_); signonForm_.setCommandListener(this); signonForm_.setTicker(ticker_); } display_.setCurrent(signonForm_); } /** * Displays the "CommandCall" form. **/ private void showCmdForm() { // Create the command call form. if (cmdcallForm_ == null) { cmdcallForm_ = new Form(COMMAND_CALL); cmdcallForm_.append(cmdText_); cmdcallForm_.append(cmdMsgText_); cmdcallForm_.append(cmdStatusText_); cmdcallForm_.addCommand(actionBack_); cmdcallForm_.addCommand(actionClear_); cmdcallForm_.addCommand(actionRun_); cmdcallForm_.setCommandListener(this); cmdcallForm_.setTicker(ticker_); } display_.setCurrent(cmdcallForm_); } /** * Displays the "ProgramCall" form. **/ private void showPgmForm() { // Create the program call form. if (pgmcallForm_ == null) { pgmcallForm_ = new Form(PROGRAM_CALL); pgmcallForm_.append(new StringItem(null, "This calls the Retrieve User Information (QSYRUSRI) " + "API, and returns information about the current " + "user profile.")); pgmcallForm_.append(pgmMsgText_); pgmcallForm_.addCommand(actionBack_); pgmcallForm_.addCommand(actionClear_); pgmcallForm_.addCommand(actionRun_); pgmcallForm_.setCommandListener(this); pgmcallForm_.setTicker(ticker_); } display_.setCurrent(pgmcallForm_); } /** * Displays the "DataQueue" form. **/ private void showDqForm() { // Create the data queue form. if (dataqueueForm_ == null) { dataqueueForm_ = new Form(DATA_QUEUE); dataqueueForm_.append(dqInputText_); dataqueueForm_.append(dqOutputText_); dataqueueForm_.append(dqReadOrWrite_); dataqueueForm_.append(dqStatusText_); dataqueueForm_.addCommand(actionBack_); dataqueueForm_.addCommand(actionClear_); dataqueueForm_.addCommand(actionGo_); dataqueueForm_.setCommandListener(this); dataqueueForm_.setTicker(ticker_); } display_.setCurrent(dataqueueForm_); } private void feedback(String text, AlertType type) { feedback(text, type, display_.getCurrent()); } /** * This method is used to create a dialog and display feedback * information using an Alert to the user. **/ private void feedback(String text, AlertType type, Displayable returnToForm) { System.err.flush(); System.out.flush(); Alert alert = new Alert("Alert", text, null, type); if (type == AlertType.INFO) alert.setTimeout(3000); // milliseconds else alert.setTimeout(Alert.FOREVER); // Require user to dismiss the alert. display_.setCurrent(alert, returnToForm); } // Force a repaint of the current form. private void repaint() { Alert alert = new Alert("Updating display ...", null, null, AlertType.INFO); alert.setTimeout(1000); // milliseconds display_.setCurrent(alert, display_.getCurrent()); } /** * Time to pause, free any space we don't need right now. * Implements abstract method of class Midlet. **/ protected void pauseApp() { display_.setCurrent(null); } /** * Destroy must cleanup everything. * Implements abstract method of class Midlet. **/ protected void destroyApp(boolean unconditional) { // Disconnect from the iSeries if the Midlet is being destroyed or exited. if (system_ != null) { try { system_.disconnect(); } catch (Exception e) { } } } }