The JdbcMeConnection class provides a subset of functions available in the IBM® Toolbox for Java™ AS400JDBCConnection class. Use JdbcMeConnection to enable your Tier0 device to access DB2 Universal Database™ (UDB) databases on the host server.
Use JdbcMeDriver.getConnection() to connect to the server database. The getConnection() method takes a uniform resource locator (URL) string as an argument, the user ID, and password. The JDBC driver manager on the host server attempts to locate a driver that can connect to the database that is represented by the URL. JdbcMeDriver uses the following syntax for the URL:
jdbc:as400://server-name/default-schema;meserver=<server>[:port];[other properties];
You must specify a server name, or JdbcMeDriver throws an exception. The default schema is optional. If you do not specify a port, the JdbcMeDriver uses port 3470. Also, you can set a variety of JDBC properties within the URL. To set properties, use the following syntax:
See JDBC properties for a complete list of properties supported by JdbcMeDriver.
Example: Connecting to the server database without specifying a default schema, a port, or JDBC properties
The examples specifies user ID and password as parameters on the method:
// Connect to system 'mysystem'. No default schema, port or // properties are specified. Connection c = JdbcMeDriver.getConnection("jdbc:as400://;meserver=myMeServer;" "auser", "apassword");
Example: Connecting to the server database when specifying the schema and JDBC properties
The example specifies user ID and password as parameters on the method:
// Connect to system 'mysystem'. Specify a schema and // two JDBC properties. Do not specify a port. Connection c2 = JdbcMeDriver.getConnection( "jdbc:as400://;meserver=myMeServer;naming=system;errors=full;" "auser", "apassword");
Example: Connecting to the server database
The example specifies properties (including user ID and password) by using a uniform resource locator (URL):
// Connect using properties. The properties are set on the URL // instead of through a properties object. Connection c = DriverManager.getConnection( "jdbc:as400://mySystem;meserver=myMeServer;naming=sql;errors=full;user=auser;password=apassword");
Example: Disconnecting from the database
The example uses the close() method on the connecting object to disconnect from the server: