HTML Classes

IBM® Toolbox for Java™ HTML classes assist you in:

The HTML classes implement the HTMLTagElement interface. Each class produces an HTML tag for a specific element type. The tag may be retrieved using the getTag() method and can then be embedded into any HTML document. The tags you generate with the HTML classes are consistent with the HTML 3.2 specification.

The HTML classes can work with servlet classes to get data from the iSeries™ server. However, they can also be used alone if you supply the table or form data.

Additionally, you can use the HTMLDocument class to easily create HTML pages or XSL FO source data. You can convert XSL FO data into Portable Document Format (PDF) documents. Using the PDF format enables your documents to retain the same graphical appearance when you print them as when you view them electronically.

The HTML classes make it easier to make HTML forms, tables, and other elements:

Note: The jt400Servlet.jar file includes both the HTML and Servlet classes. You must update your CLASSPATH to point to the jt400Servlet.jar file if you want to use the classes in the package.