Connecting to iSeries

Your server offers you many ways to connect to and communicate with the other servers in your environment. From mobile telephones to remote consoles to the powerful functions of iSeries(TM) Navigator, the iSeries environment offers you flexible solutions to use in your systems management strategy. Use the information in this topic to learn more about your options for communicating with your server.

Choose your connection
The iSeries server offers you a variety of options for connecting to your system. Use the information in these topics to learn about the methods available to you for communicating with your server.

iSeries Access
The IBM eServer iSeries Access family of products is the solution for PC, Web browser, or wireless connectivity to your server. Using the iSeries Access functions, you can access and administer your servers.

iSeries Navigator
iSeries Navigator is the graphical user interface for managing and administering your server from your Windows(R) desktop. iSeries Navigator makes operation and administration of servers easier and more productive.

Operations Console
Operations Console is an installable component of iSeries Access for Windows. It allows you to use one or more PCs to access and control, either remotely or locally, the iSeries console and control panel functions.

Twinaxial console
The twinaxial console uses a command-line interface to access and manage your server, and it does not require the use of a PC to act as a console. You access the server through a console, keyboard, and twinaxial cables.

Hardware Management Console
The Hardware Management Console (HMC) is used to manage IBM(R) Systems and eServer(TM) hardware, logical partitions, and Capacity on Demand.