Installation recovery after using reference codes

After taking the corrective action for the reference code, perform one of the following procedures.

Use the procedure that is appropriate for the installation process, either automatic or manual, that was in use when the reference code appeared.

If you used automatic installation:

  1. Set the mode selector or toggle on the control panel to Manual.
  2. Press the power switch to delayed off, press it again, and wait for the entire system to power off.
  3. Set the mode selector or toggle on the control panel to Normal.
  4. Press the power switch on and make the installation device ready. If the system attention light appears and the same reference code appears again, go to Licensed Internal Code recovery. Otherwise, continue with step 12.

If you used manual installation:

  1. Make sure that the media is loaded in the installation device for the alternate IPL.
  2. Press the power switch to delayed off, press it again, and wait for the entire system to power off.
  3. Press the power switch on and make the installation device ready. If the system attention light appears and the same reference code appears again, go to Licensed Internal Code recovery. Otherwise, continue with step 12.