Checklist: Completing the replacement of the same release

Use this checklist to complete any of the V5R4-to-V5R4 IBM® i5/OS™ replacement processes.

  1. If you still have default passwords for your service tools user IDs, change them now. For information on service tools user IDs, see Change service tools user IDs and passwords .
  2. If your IBM System i5 or IBM eServer™ i5 system is operating as a service partition and your server is not being managed by a Hardware Management Console, you might be required to perform a server IPL. A server IPL is an IPL whereby all logical partitions on the server are shut down at the same time. This allows, for example, a new level of the server firmware to be activated on the server.

    You might be required to perform a server IPL after you apply or remove a PTF on the service partition if that PTF affects the server firmware portion of the Licensed Internal Code. You also might be required to perform a server IPL after you upgrade or install a new level of the Licensed Internal Code on the service partition.

    • To find out if you need to do a server IPL, type DSPPTF 5722999 on the i5/OS control language (CL) command line and press Enter. If a server IPL is required, message CPD35F8 Server IPL required is shown at the bottom of the display.
    • To find out if your system is operating as a service partition, type DSPPTF 5729999 on the CL command line and press Enter. If your system is operating as a service partition, the IPL Source field indicates the copy of the server firmware that was used on the previous server IPL.
    Note: When shutting down your service partition for eServer i5 models, reference codes D6xx430B or D6xx430A could be displayed for an extended amount of time. The xx should increment periodically and is a normal part of processing when server firmware code is being updated. Allow the server to complete the processing. Do not interrupt this process.
  3. If you used image catalogs to perform your installation, you might want to remove all installation images from your server. To delete the catalog and all the optical images (image files), type the following:
  4. If you used image catalogs to perform your installation and you previously used the Start ASP Balance (STRASPBAL) command to end the allocation of storage for the load-source disk unit, enter the following command to resume the allocation of storage for the load-source disk unit.
  5. After you complete the installation process and before you make a server or partition available to all users, set the usage limit for the software-license managed products. These products are listed on the Proof of Entitlement (POE), invoice, or other documents that you have received with your software order. For products that have a usage limit, you set the usage limit with the Work with License Information (WRKLICINF) command.

    To set your usage limit, do the following:

    1. Type WRKLICINF and press Enter.
    2. On the Work with License Information display, press F11 (Display Usage Information). The usage limit number on each product that is listed on the POE, invoice, or other documents must match the usage limit number on the Work with License Information display for the associated product.
    3. If the usage limit is to be updated, move the cursor to the line that contains the product name whose usage limit is to be updated.
    4. Type 2 (Change) and press Enter.
    5. When the Change License Information display is shown, update the usage limit prompt with the usage limit shown on the POE. In addition, update the threshold prompt with either *CALC or *USGLMT. Do not leave the threshold set to zero.
      Note: If message CPA9E1B [Usage limit increase must be authorized. Press help before replying (C G).] is sent, respond by typing G.
    6. If the POE lists more products than the Work with License Information display, set the usage limits after you install those products.
  6. If you changed the allow restore of security sensitive objects (QALWOBJRST) system value to *ALL or had unlocked it before the upgrade, return the value to its normal locked setting.
  7. If you changed any other system value such as security level (QSECURITY) during your upgrade, change it back now.
  8. If you changed the scan control (QSCANFSCTL) system value to minimize future scanning of some objects that are restored before you installed your licensed programs, remove the *NOPOSTRST specification from this system value.
  9. Some of the tasks in this topic require that you change the QSYSOPR severity code filter to 95. If you do not want to continue with this level or you want to change the delivery notification, type CHGMSGQ QSYSOPR DLVRY(xx) SEV(yy) where xx indicates the delivery notification and yy indicates the severity code that you want to use. The system defaults are DLVRY(*HOLD) SEV(0).
  10. Save your system using your normal save procedures. Refer to the instructions in the Back up your server topic.
    Note: Before you start a save operation, use the Work with Active Jobs (WRKACTJOB) command to check the status of QDCPOBJx jobs. These jobs decompress objects. There could be more than one QDCPOBJx job. You can start your save operation if these jobs are in an inactive state. If you put the system in a restricted state by ending subsystems, the QDCPOBJx jobs become inactive. The jobs will restart when the system is not in a restricted state. For more information about decompressing objects, see Compressed objects and storage space.
  11. If you plan to install and use the iSeries™ Information Center either from a workstation or the server, refer to the CD-ROMs that come with your software order: iSeries Information Center, SK3T-4091. This package also includes the PDF versions of iSeries manuals. For the installation instructions, see the readme.txt file.
  12. If you have an Integrated xSeries® Server that you stopped before you began the installation process, restart it now.
    1. Type GO NWSADM on a CL command line. The Network Server Administration display appears.
    2. Select option 2 (Start a network server).
  13. If you have customized an IBM-supplied program (for example, QSTRUP in library QSYS) in a previous release, make sure that you re-create this program to run correctly in the new release.
  14. If you have duplicated any IBM-supplied objects, you might want to make new duplicates after you install the release. This enables you to take advantage of functions added in the new release. Examples of objects that you might duplicate include the following:
    • Message text descriptions
    • Commands
    • Command defaults

You have completed the replacement of the same release on your server.