For more information about using the sample client program, see Downloading and running the sample programs.
// IBM JGSS 1.0 Sample Client Program package; import org.ietf.jgss.*; import; import*; import*; import java.util.*; /** * A JGSS sample client; * to be used in conjunction with the JGSS sample server. * The client first establishes a context with the server * and then sends wrapped message followed by a MIC to the server. * The MIC is calculated over the plain text that was wrapped. * The client requires to server to authenticate itself * (mutual authentication) during context establishment. * It also delegates its credentials to the server. * * It sets the JAVA variable * to false * so that JGSS will not acquire credentials through JAAS. * * The client takes input parameters, and complements it * with information from the jgss.ini file; any required input not * supplied on the command line is taking from the jgss.ini file. * * Usage: Client [options] * * The -? option produces a help message including supported options. * * This sample client does not use JAAS. * The client can be run against the JAAS sample client and server. * See {@link JAASClient JAASClient} for a sample client that uses JAAS. */ class Client { private Util testUtil = null; private String myName = null; private GSSName gssName = null; private String serverName = null; private int servicePort = 0; private GSSManager mgr = GSSManager.getInstance(); private GSSName service = null; private GSSContext context = null; private String program = "Client"; private String debugPrefix = "Client: "; private TCPComms tcp = null; private String data = null; private byte[] dataBytes = null; private String serviceHostname= null; private GSSCredential gssCred = null; private static Debug debug = new Debug(); private static final String usageString = "\t[-?] [-d | -n name] [-s serverName]" + "\n\t[-h serverHost [:port]] [-p port] [-m msg]" + "\n" + "\n -?\t\t\thelp; produces this message" + "\n -n name\t\tthe client's principal name (without realm)" + "\n -s serverName\t\tthe server's principal name (without realm)" + "\n -h serverHost[:port]\tthe server's hostname" + " (and optional port number)" + "\n -p port\t\tthe port on which the server will be listening" + "\n -m msg\t\tmessage to send to the server"; // Caller must call initialize (may need to call processArgs first). public Client (String programName) throws Exception { testUtil = new Util(); if (programName != null) { program = programName; debugPrefix = programName + ": "; } } // Caller must call initialize (may need to call processArgs first). Client (String programName, boolean useSubjectCredsOnly) throws Exception { this(programName); setUseSubjectCredsOnly(useSubjectCredsOnly); } public Client(GSSCredential myCred, String serverNameWithoutRealm, String serverHostname, int serverPort, String message) throws Exception { testUtil = new Util(); if (myCred != null) { gssCred = myCred; } else { throw new GSSException(GSSException.NO_CRED, 0, "Null input credential"); } init(serverNameWithoutRealm, serverHostname, serverPort, message); } void setUseSubjectCredsOnly(boolean useSubjectCredsOnly) { final String subjectOnly = useSubjectCredsOnly ? "true" : "false"; final String property = ""; String temp = (String) new; if (temp == null) { debug.out(Debug.OPTS_CAT_APPLICATION, debugPrefix + "setting useSubjectCredsOnly property to " + useSubjectCredsOnly); // Property not set. Set it to the specified value. new { public Object run() { System.setProperty(property, subjectOnly); return null; } }); } else { debug.out(Debug.OPTS_CAT_APPLICATION, debugPrefix + "useSubjectCredsOnly property already set " + "in JVM to " + temp); } } private void init(String myNameWithoutRealm, String serverNameWithoutRealm, String serverHostname, int serverPort, String message) throws Exception { myName = myNameWithoutRealm; init(serverNameWithoutRealm, serverHostname, serverPort, message); } private void init(String serverNameWithoutRealm, String serverHostname, int serverPort, String message) throws Exception { // peer's name if (serverNameWithoutRealm != null) { this.serverName = serverNameWithoutRealm; } else { this.serverName = testUtil.getDefaultServicePrincipalWithoutRealm(); } // peer's host if (serverHostname != null) { this.serviceHostname = serverHostname; } else { this.serviceHostname = testUtil.getDefaultServiceHostname(); } // peer's port if (serverPort > 0) { this.servicePort = serverPort; } else { this.servicePort = testUtil.getDefaultServicePort(); } // message for peer if (message != null) { = message; } else { = "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog"; } this.dataBytes =; tcp = new TCPComms(serviceHostname, servicePort); } void initialize() throws Exception { Oid krb5MechanismOid = new Oid("1.2.840.113554.1.2.2"); if (gssCred == null) { if (myName != null) { debug.out(Debug.OPTS_CAT_APPLICATION, debugPrefix + "creating GSSName USER_NAME for " + myName); gssName = mgr.createName( myName, GSSName.NT_USER_NAME, krb5MechanismOid); debug.out(Debug.OPTS_CAT_APPLICATION, debugPrefix + "Canonicalized GSSName=" + gssName); } else gssName = null; // for default credentials debug.out(Debug.OPTS_CAT_APPLICATION, debugPrefix + "creating" + ((gssName == null)? " default " : " ") + "credential"); gssCred = mgr.createCredential( gssName, GSSCredential.DEFAULT_LIFETIME, (Oid)null, GSSCredential.INITIATE_ONLY); if (gssName == null) { gssName = gssCred.getName(); myName = gssName.toString(); debug.out(Debug.OPTS_CAT_APPLICATION, debugPrefix + "default credential principal=" + myName); } } debug.out(Debug.OPTS_CAT_APPLICATION, debugPrefix + gssCred); debug.out(Debug.OPTS_CAT_APPLICATION, debugPrefix + "creating canonicalized GSSName for serverName " + serverName); service = mgr.createName(serverName, GSSName.NT_HOSTBASED_SERVICE, krb5MechanismOid); debug.out(Debug.OPTS_CAT_APPLICATION, debugPrefix + "Canonicalized server name = " + service); debug.out(Debug.OPTS_CAT_APPLICATION, debugPrefix + "Raw data=" + data); } void establishContext(BitSet flags) throws Exception { try { debug.out(Debug.OPTS_CAT_APPLICATION, debugPrefix + "creating GSScontext"); Oid defaultMech = null; context = mgr.createContext(service, defaultMech, gssCred, GSSContext.INDEFINITE_LIFETIME); if (flags != null) { if (flags.get(Util.CONTEXT_OPTS_MUTUAL)) { debug.out(Debug.OPTS_CAT_APPLICATION, debugPrefix + "requesting mutualAuthn"); context.requestMutualAuth(true); } if (flags.get(Util.CONTEXT_OPTS_INTEG)) { debug.out(Debug.OPTS_CAT_APPLICATION, debugPrefix + "requesting integrity"); context.requestInteg(true); } if (flags.get(Util.CONTEXT_OPTS_CONF)) { context.requestConf(true); debug.out(Debug.OPTS_CAT_APPLICATION, debugPrefix + "requesting confidentiality"); } if (flags.get(Util.CONTEXT_OPTS_DELEG)) { context.requestCredDeleg(true); debug.out(Debug.OPTS_CAT_APPLICATION, debugPrefix + "requesting delegation"); } if (flags.get(Util.CONTEXT_OPTS_REPLAY)) { context.requestReplayDet(true); debug.out(Debug.OPTS_CAT_APPLICATION, debugPrefix + "requesting replay detection"); } if (flags.get(Util.CONTEXT_OPTS_SEQ)) { context.requestSequenceDet(true); debug.out(Debug.OPTS_CAT_APPLICATION, debugPrefix + "requesting out-of-sequence detection"); } // Add more later! } byte[] response = null; byte[] request = null; int len = 0; boolean done = false; do { debug.out(Debug.OPTS_CAT_APPLICATION, debugPrefix + "Calling initSecContext"); request = context.initSecContext(response, 0, len); if (request != null) { debug.out(Debug.OPTS_CAT_APPLICATION, debugPrefix + "Sending initial context token"); tcp.send(request); } done = context.isEstablished(); if (!done) { debug.out(Debug.OPTS_CAT_APPLICATION, debugPrefix + "Receiving response token"); byte[] temp = tcp.receive(); response = temp; len = response.length; } } while(!done); debug.out(Debug.OPTS_CAT_APPLICATION, debugPrefix + "context established with acceptor"); } catch (Exception exc) { exc.printStackTrace(); throw exc; } } void doMIC() throws Exception { debug.out(Debug.OPTS_CAT_APPLICATION, debugPrefix + "generating MIC"); byte[] mic = context.getMIC(dataBytes, 0, dataBytes.length, null); if (mic != null) { debug.out(Debug.OPTS_CAT_APPLICATION, debugPrefix + "sending MIC"); tcp.send(mic); } else debug.out(Debug.OPTS_CAT_APPLICATION, debugPrefix + "getMIC Failed"); } void doWrap() throws Exception { MessageProp mp = new MessageProp(true); mp.setPrivacy(context.getConfState()); debug.out(Debug.OPTS_CAT_APPLICATION, debugPrefix + "wrapping message"); byte[] wrapped = context.wrap(dataBytes, 0, dataBytes.length, mp); if (wrapped != null) { debug.out(Debug.OPTS_CAT_APPLICATION, debugPrefix + "sending wrapped message"); tcp.send(wrapped); } else debug.out(Debug.OPTS_CAT_APPLICATION, debugPrefix + "wrap Failed"); } void printUsage() { System.out.println(program + usageString); } void processArgs(String[] args) throws Exception { String port = null; String myName = null; int servicePort = 0; String serviceHostname = null; String sHost = null; String msg = null; GetOptions options = new GetOptions(args, "?h:p:m:n:s:"); int ch = -1; while ((ch = options.getopt()) != options.optEOF) { switch(ch) { case '?': printUsage(); System.exit(1); case 'h': if (sHost == null) { sHost = options.optArgGet(); int p = sHost.indexOf(':'); if (p != -1) { String temp1 = sHost.substring(0, p); if (port == null) port = sHost.substring(p+1, sHost.length()).trim(); sHost = temp1; } } continue; case 'p': if (port == null) port = options.optArgGet(); continue; case 'm': if (msg == null) msg = options.optArgGet(); continue; case 'n': if (myName == null) myName = options.optArgGet(); continue; case 's': if (serverName == null) serverName = options.optArgGet(); continue; } } if ((port != null) && (port.length() > 0)) { int p = -1; try { p = Integer.parseInt(port); } catch (Exception exc) { System.out.println("Bad port input: "+port); } if (p != -1) servicePort = p; } if ((sHost != null) && (sHost.length() > 0)) { serviceHostname = sHost; } init(myName, serverName, serviceHostname, servicePort, msg); } void interactWithAcceptor(BitSet flags) throws Exception { establishContext(flags); doWrap(); doMIC(); } void interactWithAcceptor() throws Exception { BitSet flags = new BitSet(); flags.set(Util.CONTEXT_OPTS_MUTUAL); flags.set(Util.CONTEXT_OPTS_CONF); flags.set(Util.CONTEXT_OPTS_INTEG); flags.set(Util.CONTEXT_OPTS_DELEG); interactWithAcceptor(flags); } void dispose() throws Exception { if (tcp != null) { tcp.close(); } } public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception { System.out.println(debug.toString()); // XXXXXXX String programName = "Client"; Client client = null; try { client = new Client(programName, false); // don't use Subject creds. client.processArgs(args); client.initialize(); client.interactWithAcceptor(); } catch (Exception exc) { debug.out(Debug.OPTS_CAT_APPLICATION, programName + " Exception: " + exc.toString()); exc.printStackTrace(); throw exc; } finally { try { if (client != null) client.dispose(); } catch (Exception exc) {} } debug.out(Debug.OPTS_CAT_APPLICATION, programName + ": done"); } }