Java javap tool

The javap tool disassembles compiled Java™ files and prints out a representation of the Java program. This may be helpful when the original source code is no longer available on a system.

This option is ignored. Backward compatibility is not required, because Java on the iSeries™ server only supports Java Development Kit (JDK) 1.1.4 and later.
On the iSeries server, -p is not a valid option. You must spell out -private.
This option is ignored. The javap tool does not do verification on the iSeries server.

The javap tool is available using the Qshell Interpreter.

Note: The use of the javap tool to disassemble classes may violate the license agreement for those classes. Consult the license agreement for the classes before using the javap tool.

For more information about the javap tool, see the javap tool by Sun Microsystems, Inc.