User enrollment and authentication commands

Use the following commands to work with NetWare user enrollment on iSeries.

Table 1. User Enrollment Commands
Enter this iSeries command to...
ADDNTWAUTE Add a NetWare authentication entry to an iSeries profile that contains the NetWare user name and password used to connect to a NetWare server.
CHGNWSA Define the NDS context and a default set of NetWare servers and NDS trees on which iSeries users can be enrolled.
CHGNWSUSRA Enroll iSeries group and user profiles on NetWare.

If you specify NDSTREELST(*NONE) and NTW3SVRLST(*NONE), the profile is not enrolled on NetWare.

CHGPWD Change the password of a iSeries user profile. If the user profile was enrolled on NetWare, the password of the NetWare user object with the same name is also changed.
CHGUSRPRF Change attributes such as the description of an iSeries group or user profile. If the iSeries profile was enrolled on NetWare, the attributes of the NetWare group or user object with the same name are also changed.
CRTUSRPRF Create a iSeries user profile that can be enrolled on NetWare.
DLTUSRPRF Delete a NetWare group or user object if the iSeries profile with the same name was enrolled on NetWare.
WRKNTWAUTE Create, change, display, or remove a NetWare authentication entry.
WRKNWSENR Check the status of iSeries profiles being enrolled on NetWare. You can also change or display iSeries profiles, change or display network user attributes, try the enrollment request again, remove entries for enrollment requests in a delete state, or display error details for iSeries profiles being enrolled on NetWare.