Apply a PTF to a NetWare Enhanced Integration NLM

If IBM® provides a PTF for the iSeries™ NetWare Enhanced Integration NLM, you need to apply the PTF on each NetWare server to be updated:

  1. Load the NetWare Enhanced Integration NLM on the server if the NLM is not already loaded.
  2. At the server's console, enter this command:

    The description of the NetWare Enhanced Integration NLM provides its version number. If the version currently on the server is equal to or greater than the NLM version listed in the PTF cover letter, you do not need to update the NLM on this server. In that case, skip the remaining instructions.

  3. Copy the updated NLM to the server.

    The following method for doing this uses the iSeries integrated file system to copy the NLM. Other methods for copying the updated NLM are possible using iSeries Access and a NetWare client workstation or FTP and a NetWare client workstation. These methods are not described here.

  4. On the iSeries system where the PTF was installed (NetWare Enhanced Integration must be installed), do this:
    1. Ensure that your user ID is enrolled in the system directory.

      You must be enrolled in the system directory to access /qdls/qfpntwe. If you are not enrolled in the directory, use the ADDDIRE command to enroll.

    2. Establish a connection to the server.
    3. Remove the link and copy the object, substituting the name of your server for server1

      If the server is running NetWare 4.1 or higher run

      RMVLNK OBJLNK('/qnetware/server1.svr/sys/as4nw/as4nw410.nlm')
      CPY OBJ('/qdls/qfpntwe/as4nw410.nlm')
  5. Unload the NetWare Enhanced Integration NLM and reload the updated NLM.

    Wait until the server's file system is not in use by the integrated file system of any iSeries system.

    If the server is running NetWare 4.10 or higher, run these commands at the server's console:

    unload as4nw410
    load sys:as4nw\as4nw410
  6. When you apply a PTF to a NetWare Enhanced Integration NetWare Loadable Module (NLM), iSeries does not automatically activate the changes. The PTF puts the updated version of the NLM into the iSeries integrated file system in the /qdls/qfpntwe directory. To activate the changes when applying a PTF to an NLM, copy the appropriate NLM from the iSeries integrated file system to the AS4NW directory on the SYS: volume of each NetWare server in your network that has the NetWare Enhanced Integration NLM product installed on it.

If you remove the PTF after applying it temporarily, follow the same activation procedures to restore the previous version of the NLM on each server that you updated.