Network server user attributes

The iSeries network server user attributes preserve network information for a group or user profile. Many of the administrative commands use some of this information, such as the default server type, default context, and default NDS tree. The network server user attributes also contain a list of NDS trees (and associated user information) that are used by the user enrollment support to enroll the user or group on NetWare.

You can set defaults for this same information on a system-wide basis by using the Change Network Server Attribute (CHGNWSA) command (described in Define network server attributes.

To specify these attributes on an individual or group profile basis and enroll iSeries™ users to NetWare servers, you use the CHGNWSUSRA command (described in Enroll iSeries users on NetWare). You use these attributes to specify the NDS trees on which you want to enroll iSeries users.