The file in this example is in library DATALIB and has the name CUSTCDT. The DDS description of the file CUSTCDT shows that the fields CUSNUM, ZIPCOD, CDTLMT, CHGCOD, BALDUE, and CDTDUE are of type packed decimal. All other fields are of type character.
A R CUSREC A CUSNUM 6P 0 COLHDG('Customer number') A LSTNAM 8A COLHDG('Last name') A INIT 3A COLHDG('First/middle initial') A STREET 13A COLHDG('Street address') A CITY 6A COLHDG('City') A STATE 2A COLHDG('State abbreviation') A ZIPCOD 5P 0 COLHDG('Zip code') A CDTLMT 4P 0 COLHDG('Credit limit') A CHGCOD 1P 0 COLHDG('Charge code') A BALDUE 6P 2 COLHDG('Balance due') A CDTDUE 6P 2 COLHDG('Credit due')
If you are not familiar with DDS definitions, you can refer to Example: DSPFFD of iSeries database file CUSTCDT for the output of the DSPFFD CUSTCDT command. Example: Content of CUSTCDT database file display that Query for iSeries creates shows the content of the CUSTCDT file which was created using an iSeries™ query.