Subscript description

The topic describes the subscript description.


An integer number contains from 1 through 15 digits with an optional leading sign (either plus or minus). A decimal point is not allowed in an integer-number subscript. If a decimal point is specified, the subscript value is not interpreted as the correct numeric value by the system, and an error message is returned.

An asterisk (*) can be used to request a single-dimensional cross-section display of an array program variable. An asterisk can only be specified for a subscript on the primary variable (not on a basing pointer) for the PGMVAR keyword on the Add Break Point (ADDBKP), Add Trace (ADDTRC), and Display Program Variable (DSPPGMVAR) commands. In addition, if the variable has multiple dimensions, only one of the subscript values can be an asterisk. An example of a request to display an array cross-section is:

        DSPPGMVAR  PGMVAR('X1(*,5,4)')

This display shows the values of all elements of the array that have the second subscript equal to five, and the third subscript equal to four.