Keep this information in mind when using DB2 Universal Databaseā¢ (UDB)
for iSeriesā¢ applications.
- Implicit conversion when comparing Unicode fields with character/IGC/graphic
fields as well as with literals and host variables can occur.
- Physical and logical files with Unicode fields cannot have their CCSIDs
changed with the Change Physical File (CHGPF) command.
- A Unicode CCSID is not allowed on the CHGPF command.
- The Copy File (CPYF) and Copy From Query File (CPYFRMQRYF) commands with
FMTOPT(*MAP) specified is not allowed when copying from or to a Unicode graphic
field unless:
- The corresponding field is a Unicode or DBCS-graphic field.
- The corresponding field is a character, DBCS-open, DBCS-either,
or DBCS-only field with a CCSID other than 65535.
- The Copy File (CPYF) command supports copying of SBCS character, DBCS-open,
DBCS-only, DBCS-either, and DBCS-graphic fields to and from Unicode graphic
fields. There is limited support for Unicode on the FROMKEY, TOKEY, INCCHAR,
and INCREL parameters.