Leap-year adjustment (QLEAPADJ) system value

The leap-year adjustment (QLEAPADJ) is used to adjust the system algorithms for the leap year in different calendar systems.

If your calendar year agrees with what is used in the Gregorian calendar, this system value should be zero. If your calendar year differs from the Gregorian, you might need to adjust the system calendar algorithm to account for the leap year you are using. To make the adjustment, divide the leap year in your calendar system by 4. Then set QLEAPADJ to the value of the remainder.

For example, the Gregorian calendar year of 1988 was the year 77 in the Taiwan calendar. Because 77 was a leap year for Taiwan, you need to divide 77 by 4. This leaves a remainder of 1. Therefore, to adjust the system calendar algorithm for Taiwan, specify a 1 for the QLEAPADJ value.

If you change QLEAPADJ, you do not change the system clock or the job dates of active jobs. Changing QLEAPADJ might result, however, in an implicit change to the QDATE system value.

Note: Not all system functions, such as DB date and timestamp fields, support QLEAPADJ when working with leap years.
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Information in message CPX8416