DBCS font name (QIGCCDEFNT) system value

The DBCS font name (QIGCCDEFNT) is used when transforming SNA character string (SCS) data into an Advanced Function Presentation™ data stream (AFPDS) spooled file with shift in/shift out (SI/SO) characters present in the data.

QIGCCDEFNT is a 20-character list of up to 2 values. The first 10 characters contain the font name. The last 10 characters contain the library name. The font name can be only 8 characters. The possible values for the DBCS font name are:

No font is identified to the system.
Coded font name
The name of the DBCS font.

The possible values for the library are:

The library list is used to locate the font.
The current library is used to locate the font. If no library is specified, library QGPL is used.
Library name
The library containing the font.