Decimal format (QDECFMT) system value

This decimal format (QDECFMT) has two functions.

You can change the decimal format to reflect the way decimals are formatted for your country or location. You can change the decimal format to any one of the following values:

If you specify a blank, the system uses a period for a decimal point, a comma for a 3-digit grouping character, and zero suppression to the left of the decimal point. For example,
One thousand is formatted as 1,000
Four one-hundredths is formatted as .04
If you specify a J, the system uses a comma for a decimal point, a period for a 3-digit grouping character, and zero suppression at the second character to the left of the decimal point. For example,
One thousand is formatted as 1.000
Four one-hundredths is formatted as 0,04
If you specify an I, the system uses a comma for a decimal point, a period for a 3-digit grouping character, and zero suppression to the left of the decimal point. For example,
One thousand is formatted as 1.000
Four one-hundredths is formatted as ,04

A change to this value takes place immediately.

Related concepts
Set job attributes (QSETJOBATR) system value
Job attributes
Information in message CPX8416
Decimal formats