Example: How locales work

These two examples focus on the LOCALE and SETJOBATR parameter values specified on the user profile.

The first example illustrates using locales to establish job attributes. The user profile parameters LOCALE and SETJOBATR have values of *SYSVAL. This means that the job attributes at job start time come from the QLOCALE value based on the values in QSETJOBATR.

Use locales to establish job attributes

If a job runs based on the information in the figure, the following conditions are true:

In the second example the user profile LOCALE parameter value is *SYSVAL and the SETJOBATR parameter values is *NONE. This means that the LOCALE value is determined by looking at the system value QLOCALE. When the SETJOBATR value is *NONE, job attributes are determined by the values in the user profile.

Remember, because the user profile SETJOBATR parameter was *NONE, the system's search resulted in using the values specified for QCCSID, QTIMSEP, QDATFMT, QSRTSEQ, and QDATSEP.

User profile set to sysval

If a job runs based on the information in this example, the following conditions are true:

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