Encoding schemes for the CCSIDs

This table shows the encoding scheme values (from Character Data Representation Architecture) that are used for the CCSIDs.

ESID hex Interpretation
1100 EBCDIC, single-byte, No code extension is allowed. Number of States = 1.
1200 EBCDIC, double-byte, No code extension is allowed. Number of States = 1.
1300 EBCDIC, mixed-byte, No code extension is allowed Number of States = 1.
1301 EBCDIC, mixed single-byte and double-byte, using shift-in (SI) and shift-out (SO) code extension method Number of States = 2.
2100 IBM-PC Data, single-byte, No code extension is allowed Number of States = 1.
2200 IBM-PC Data, double-byte, No code extension is allowed Number of States = 1.
2300 IBM-PC Data, mixed single-byte and double-byte, with implicit code extension Number of States = 2.
3100 IBM-PC Display, single-byte, No code extension is allowed Number of States = 1.
3200 IBM-PC Display, double-byte, No code extension is allowed Number of States = 1.
3300 IBM-PC Display, mixed single-byte and double-byte, with implicit code extension Number of States = 2.
4100 ISO 8, single-byte, No code extension is allowed Number of States = 1.
4105 ISO 8 (ASCII code), single-byte, Graphics in C1 Note that graphic characters may be present in the area normally reserved for the C1 control codes. (ie X'80' to X'9F') Number of States = 1.
4403 IBM® EUC Number of States = 2 to 4
5100 ISO 7 (ASCII code), single-byte, No code extension is allowed Number of States = 1.
5404 ISO 2022 TCP/IP Number of States = 2 to 4.
7200 UCS-2, No code extension is allowed Number of States = 1.
7808 UTF-8, No code extension is allowed Number of States = 3.