The QNetWare file system provides access to data on stand-alone PC servers that are running Novell NetWare 5.1 or 6.0.
In addition, QNetWare also provides the following functionality:
NetWare file systems located on Novell NetWare servers can be mounted on the "root" (/), QOpenSys, and other file systems to make access easier and perform better than under the /QNetWare directory.
Mounting NetWare file systems can also be used to take advantage of the options on the Add Mounted File System (ADDMFS) command, such as mounting a read-write file system as read-only. See the Add Mounted File System (ADDMFS) command topic for more information.
This path syntax is very similar to the NetWare MAP command syntax. NDS paths can be used to specify a path to a NetWare volume but cannot themselves be mounted.
The /QNetWare directory structure represents multiple distinct file systems.
The extension .SVR is used to represent a Novell NetWare server.
The extension .TRE is used to represent NDS trees, .C represents countries, .O represents organizations, .OU represents organizational units, and .CN is used to represent common names. If a Novell NetWare volume is accessed through the NDS path through a volume object or an alias to a volume object, it's root directory is also automatically mounted on the NDS object.
The QNetWare file system can be accessed through the integrated file system interface using either the i5/OS™ file server or the integrated file system commands, user displays, and APIs.
You should be aware of the following considerations, limitations, and dependencies.