Reclaim the "root" (/), QOpenSys, and user-defined file systems
Reclaiming the "root" (/), QOpenSys, and user-defined file systems
can be accomplished using the Reclaim Object Links (RCLLNK) and Reclaim
Storage (RCLSTG) commands.
By using the RCLLNK and RCLSTG commands,
you can perform the following tasks:
Correct object user profile problems
Correct user-defined file system problems
Correct internal object problems
Remove invalid object links
Handle damaged objects
Create missing system objects
Correct internal file system problems (RCLSTG only)
Reclaim Object Links (RCLLNK) command
The Reclaim Object Links (RCLLNK) command identifies
and repairs damaged objects in the "root" (/), QOpenSys,
and mounted user-defined file systems without requiring the system to be in
a restricted state. This allows you to correct problems in these file systems
without sacrificing productivity.
Recreate integrated file system provided objects This table shows the objects provided
by the integrated file system that the Reclaim Object Links (RCLLNK) command
re-creates if they do not exist. These objects are normally created during
the initial program load (IPL). You can also re-create some of these objects,
if necessary, using the Reclaim Storage (RCLSTG) command.
Examples: Reclaim Object Links (RCLLNK) command These examples describe situations in
which the Reclaim Object Links (RCLLNK) command
can be used to reclaim objects in the "root" (/), QOpenSys, and mounted user-defined
file systems.