Protection strategies in a distributed relational database

Network security in an iSeries™ distributed relational database must be planned to protect critical data on any application server (AS) from unauthorized access. But because of the distributed nature of the relational database, security planning must ensure that availability of data in the network is not unnecessarily restricted.

One of the decisions that a distributed relational database administrator needs to make is the system security level in place for each system in the network. A system security level of 10 provides no security for application servers other than physical security at the system site. A system security level of 20 provides some protection to application servers because network security checking is done to ensure the local and remote system are correctly identified. However, this level does not provide the object authorization necessary to protect critical database elements from unauthorized access. An iSeries server security level of 30 and above is the recommended choice for systems in a network that want to protect specific system objects.

The distributed relational database administrator must also consider how communications are established between application requesters (ARs) on the network and the application servers. Some questions that need to be resolved might include:

Related reference
Add Server Authentication Entry (ADDSVRAUTE) command
Change DDM TCP/IP Attributes (CHGDDMTCPA) command