Use the relational database directory

The i5/OS™ licensed program uses the relational database directory to define the relational database names that can be accessed by applications running on an iSeries™ server, to specify if the connection uses Systems Network Architecture (SNA) or IP, and to associate these relational database names with their corresponding network parameters.

The relational database directory allows an application requester (AR) to accept a relational database name from the application and translate this name into the appropriate Internet Protocol (IP) address or host name and port, or the appropriate Systems Network Architecture network identifier and logical unit (LU) name values for communications processing. As of V5R2, the RDB directory is also used to specify the user's preferred outbound connection security mechanism. The relational database directory also allows associating an ARD program with a relational database name.

Each iSeries system in the distributed relational database network must have a relational database directory configured. There is only one relational database directory on a system. Each AR in the distributed relational database network must have an entry in its relational database directory for its local relational database and one for each remote and local user relational database the AR accesses. Any system in the distributed relational database network that acts only as an application server (AS) does not need to include the relational database names of other remote relational databases in its directory.

The relational database name assigned to the local relational database must be unique. That is, it should be different from any other relational database in the network. Names assigned to other relational databases in the directory identify remote relational databases, or local user databases. The names of remote RDBs must match the name an AS uses to identify its local system database or one of its user databases, if configured. If the local system RDB name entry at an AS does not exist when it is needed, one will be created automatically in the directory. The name used will be the current system name displayed by the Display Network Attributes (DSPNETA) command.

Related reference
Display Network Attributes (DSPNETA) command