After a journal is created, it must be started for a table. If
you want to delete a journal, it must be stopped.
To start or stop a journal for a table or a file using iSeries™ Navigator,
follow these steps:
- From iSeries Navigator,
expand the system you want to use.
- Expand Databases.
- Expand the database and library that contains the journal you want to
- Click the library that contains the journal you want to edit.
- Right-click the journal and click Starts and ends table journaling.
- To start journaling for a table (file), select the table that you want
to journal from the Tables list and then click Add.
Or you can drag a table from the Tables list and drop
it on the Tables to journal list.
- To end journaling for a table, select the table that you no longer want
to journal from the Tables already being journaled list,
and then click Remove.
- To end journaling for all the tables at once, click Select
all to select all the tables listed in the Tables already
being journaled list, and then click Remove.
- Click OK to close the Start/End journaling window.
You can also start or stop journaling for a table or file by following
these steps:
- From the library tree list, right-click the object for which you want
to start or stop journaling and click Journaling.
- Click Stop to stop journaling for the selected
- To start journaling from an object:
- Select a journal to associate with the object. You can browse for the
journal by clicking Browse.
- Select a library that the journal is located in. This field is automatically
filled in when you select a journal from Browse.
- To journal before images, select the Journal images before
change option.
- To omit open and close entries from being journaled, select the Exclude
open and close entries option.
- Click Start to start journaling for the selected
- Click OK to close the Advanced Journal Attributes
window. If you do not specify values for the journal receiver, it will be
created with the default values.